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Midnight Patriots

The Midnight Patriots

Midnight Patriots

A daily News, Politics and Society podcast

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Midnight Patriots

The Midnight Patriots

Midnight Patriots

Midnight Patriots

The Midnight Patriots

Midnight Patriots

A daily News, Politics and Society podcast
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Jan 2nd, 2023
Happy New Year! Join Spartan and Cryptik as the release the Liberty Virus and recap the Shenanigans, Fuckery and Absurdities that was 2022.Honorable mentions:PelosiHunter's Laptop and Fauci.....on my!Top 5 list:Elon Musk purchases TWITTER **Free Speech Restored?Twitter Files / PsyopsMir-a-Lago RaidWhy ExactlyIllegal Im...
Dec 9th, 2022
Is the NRA still Relevant or just an Outdated Relic??Our good friend, #2A advocate extraordinaire, and Nationally Syndicated Radio Host Amanda Suffecool returns to discuss here nomination and candidacy for NRA Board of Directors. Plus, How the SCOTUS is Destroying the Luny Left's gun control narrative with the 'Bruin' ...
Dec 9th, 2022
Is the NRA still Relevant or just an Outdated Relic??Our good friend, #2A advocate extraordinaire, and Nationally Syndicated Radio Host Amanda Suffecool returns to discuss here nomination and candidacy for NRA Board of Directors. Plus, How the SCOTUS is Destroying the Luny Left's gun control narrative with the 'Bruin' ...
Dec 8th, 2022
Republicans end up taking the House but fall further behind in the Senate!Red Wave or Wet Fart??40+ Year High Inflation, High Fuel Prices and a Geriatric Moron in the White House! Will our republic survive?  We discuss. Gateway Pundit Article:MORE ARIZONA DATA: Only 17% of Maricopa Election Day Voters Were Democrat, On...
Sep 5th, 2022
Join Cryptik, Spartan and Burton as we discuss the Mar-A-Largo Raid. Our thoughts and opinions of the 2024 Election ticket (you might be surprised, our opinions differ). And enjoy the embarrassing beating Liz Chaney took thanks to the ENTIRE state of Wyoming, and how she compares herself to President Lincoln.Apologies ...
Aug 13th, 2022
Join Burton for his inaugural Road Rants as he heads from Salt Lake City to FL for some much needed "family time" with the misses. Burton rants briefly about the recent lies going around that "Trump has Nuclear Codes". Strap in and Listen up!As always we at the Midnight Patriots want to remind you..The Constitution is ...
Aug 7th, 2022
Join your host Cryptik for the inaugural Cryptik's Chaos, as he dives in to insider trading, the STOCKS Act and how not surprising it is that with the Dumbocrats on their way out come Nov, now decide it should be the perfect time to pass legislation banning investment trading when they spent years scoffing at the idea....
Aug 3rd, 2022
This week join Spartan, Cryptic and Burton as we discuss the finer points in life. Listen to Spartans TOP 5 list of "If your vagina shot what? you would have more rights". Burton breakdown Ukraine and the woke military and other splinters in the Mad Truckers brain. The boys discuss the Jan 6th "proceedings" and much mo...
Jun 14th, 2022
Spartan and Cryptik round-table discuss the democrats attack on the 2nd Amendment, Uvalda, and everything else that we couldn't take up if we tried. Make sure to check out our site MidnightPatriots.com to find out more about us, social media sites we are on and more.As always, we at the Midnight Patriots want to remind...
Jun 4th, 2022
Join Spartan and Cryptik round table discussion about things going on today, that have become a splinter in our brain. Topics include, Michael Susan trial, Democrats Gun Control, and more. So STRAP in and LISTEN up, you are NOT going to want to miss this.As always we at the Midnight Patriots would like to remind you th...
Jun 4th, 2022
Midnight Bites Episode 10 - Republish - Original Air Date - July 28, 2021What if you found out that......U.S. Politicians were pushing the Gun Control Policies of a Communist Regime?How pissed would you be?What if we could prove it?In the wake of the Uvalde, TX tragedy and complete failure of the law enforcement agenci...
May 3rd, 2022
Midnight Patriot Nation, your boys Cryptic, Spartan, and Burton are back from the liberal depths of hell. That's right WE ARE BACK, and welcome to season 3.Cryptic and Spartan kick off the new season with our over caffeinated, witty charm while we discuss Twitters evident hate for Elon, so much that they would rather t...
Apr 5th, 2022
Join your hosts Spartan, Cryptic and Burton as they are joined by special guest Will Leftridge, of the Will Leftridge show as they discuss current events and how CRT is being used by the Liberal Left.Support the show
Apr 5th, 2022
Join your hosts Spartan, Cryptik and Burton as they are joined by an Immigration insider "Brian Smith" who has some extensive first-hand knowledge of the Crisis at our Southern Border.Support the show
Apr 5th, 2022
Join your hosts Spartan, Cryptik and Burton as they are again joined by our special guest Will Leftridge of the Will Leftridge podcast to discuss current events and what has changed since around the US since his last visit.Support the show
Apr 5th, 2022
Join your host Spartan as he speaks with Lone Star Speaks host about the JFK assassination, dive into the history, facts and more surrounding the infamous JFK Assassination. Be ready to have your mind blown and maybe Geek out a bit if you are a history nerd like Spartan.Support the show
Apr 5th, 2022
Join your hosts Spartan, Cryptic and Burton as they discuss the blatant attacks conservatives have come under, just because we disagree with the left.Support the show
Apr 5th, 2022
Join your host Spartan with special guests Amanda Suffecool and George Hobbs as they discuss the 2nd Amendment and the Boulder, CO King Soopers shooting incident of 2021. Support the show
Sep 6th, 2021
Friday, November 22nd, 1963. Dealey Plaza. Dallas, TX. 12:30pm CST. The 35th President of The United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy is publicly assassinated in his motorcade.  Many consider this one of the darkest days of the 20th Century, if not all of U.S. history.  The 'official' version of the events that day as c...
Aug 24th, 2021
Spartan has an EPIC interview with Very Special Guest Naresh Vissa. Best Selling AuthorTRUMPBOOK: How Digital Liberals Silenced A Nation Into Making America Hate Again. CLICK HEREEntrepreneur - www.KrishMediaMarketing.com Podcast Host - www.WorkFromHomeShow.comNaresh caused liberal media heads to explode when on a Zoom...
Aug 15th, 2021
Military Defeat, Religious Submission or High Level Business Deal? The fall of Afghanistan is bad anyway you slice it! Spartan delves into this polarizing topic with some information that has been slowly trickling out over the past few weeks, months and years to provide a fresh perspective and alternate theory about ho...
Aug 10th, 2021
There's an old saying that 'Once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence but THREE Times, is ENEMY ACTION'. What about the Fourth, or even Fifth time?  Whilst dutifully uploading the unicorn farts and pixie dust that keeps this whole operation running, Cryptik came across this Gem and simply had to respond to avoid a n...
Aug 9th, 2021
In a recent, pathetic, attempt to appeal to modern patriots, whom he knows nothing of, to get vaccinated against the Coof, MSNBCs Joshua Johnson, inadvertently implicates Biden Administration in 'Flat Out Biological Warfare'. By his own historical example. Watch Now and YOU be the judge!If you haven’t already, take jus...
Aug 9th, 2021
A big victory for #2A, Self-Defense and Property Rights this week that has gone largely ignored by the MSM.If you haven’t already, take just a second to click those Like and Subscribe buttons for us. You can find all our content links, exclusive discounts, and FREE STUFF! That’s Right FREE STUFF, by visiting MidnightPa...
Aug 8th, 2021
Spartan takes over for Rachel and explores a splinter in his brain. With all the claims by the MSM in print and on video of Trumps' claims of voter fraud or election rigging being repeatedly debunked, he asks a rather obvious question, WHO IS DOING THIS EXTENSIVE DEBUNKING? Turns out it's another group of leftist media...
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