In this episode, Dr. Emily Amos discusses the concept of closing the stress cycle and the importance of intentional rest. We'll talk about:How our stress response mimics the cardiac cycle and how periods of rest are crucial for our overall well-being. How our bodies respond to stress and how to work with this pro... more
To kick things back into gear on the podcast for season 2 we're talking about what exactly is mindfulness? You've all heard about it, in fact most of you will have probably experienced it... and it's not always been a good experience for many people. So this episode I decided that a good place to start th... more
I actually recorded this episode many months ago, then left it and did nothing with it for ages. Which is ironic given in this ep we explore the idea that achieving things, changing behaviour and basically being human- is really, really hard. I'm human, just like you. I struggle to achieve what I want to achieve someti... more
It’s been a little while since I released a podcast episode, so I thought this was a good time to talk about giving ourselves permission to be ‘good enough’. As a long suffering perfectionist, I’ve often struggled with this concept… as a doctor, I’ve struggled with it even more. I mean, who wants a ‘good enough’ doctor... more
This has always been a big background thing for me, none of us probably talk about it enough though- how the fear of making a mistake can drastically temper our dreams and actions. Fear of making a mistake can be debilitating in our decision making in the present moment, stopping us from even doing anything. This episo... more
After last episode, we know a bit more about stress and how it cycles through our body- so how does that affect other things? Like sleep for example?In this episode I talk about:How our body sleeps.What are the hormonal drivers of sleep and how do they relate to stress hormones?How stress can affect our sleep a... more
The modern world is set up to cause stress. We're always switched on, plugged in and expected to be available to work, how could we not end up chronically stressed?!In this episode I talk about a few really important concepts around stress- particularly chronic stress.What is stress and how does our body respond t... more
Holding space is a term used for creating the space within ourselves to process thoughts and emotions. It may seem self explanatory, but if it were so easy, why do so many of us struggle to hold onto uncomfortable feelings?Instead we distract ourselves from them with extra stimulation (if you haven't already listened ... more
Episode 8In the last two and a half years I've spent a lot of time reflecting on my own path to burn out and the lessons I've learnt from it. I've taken some of those lessons and built upon them to have a bit of think about why it seems that so many of us are struggling with chronic stress and burn out? The last few y... more
This episode was a lot fun to record. Katie Cortes is a midwife, sleep consultant and mum of 4, so she knows a thing or two about the ‘perfect mother’ myth. Like me, she loves a good chat and could easily solve the worlds problems over a cup of tea! Together we’ve taken it upon ourselves to decide not only- where this ... more
Are you one of those people who has had "start meditating" or "practice mindfulness" on your to-do list for ages but not quite got there?Well this is the episode for you!!So many of us expect ourselves to be able to jump straight in and practice mindfulness perfectly, so much so that when we find it difficult it can... more
Is it actually a luxury to be able to take care of ourselves? Even more than that, is it a "luxury" to burn out? This week I've ventured into thought provoking territory as I reflect on: How our deeply ingrained patterns of thought and behaviour might make self care seem luxurious. Whether or not "burning out" is ... more
So I talk about this a lot. This idea that for most of us, our bodies and minds are simply addicted to the constant stimulation that being busy provides us. It takes time to wean ourselves off this addiction to stimulation.In this weeks episode I talk about:What exactly stimulation addiction is.Why it feels so u... more
I've never been much good as asking for help when I need it, I'm more of a "stick my head in the sand and tell everyone (including myself) that I'm fine" kind of person. Then I burnt out and really needed help.So I've learnt some lessons about how to do a better job of asking for help and in this ep I talk about:Ho... more
Financial self care is a relatively new term that encompasses the idea that taking care of ourselves is actually about more than just physical health. Jess Brady is a financial advisor who specialises in working with younger people to put in place financial systems and plans that support their long term goals.In this ... more
In this first episode I want introduce you to my story- who I am, what it felt like to burn out and why I wanted to start a podcast. I dive into:What exactly burn out is and how our bodies and minds might end up getting to that point at all?What is mindfulness? How does it work? How do we actually practice it? ... more