Welcome back to another episode. In this episode we hear Daniels story about his grind to Becoming a D1 basketball player and what keeps him motivated. If your looking for a little motivation this is the episode for you. Amazing guy with a lot of info he will get you thinking what is truly possible in this life.Instag... more
Space, Do you really know what's out there ? are we alone ? lets talk about it. Tune into this episode to talk with the boys about the possibility of life out there and other interesting space facts. Roberts instagram- https://www.instagram.com/robertpapazian17/ or look up Roberpapazian17 on insta Dannys instagram- ... more
lets Talk about powerlifting and Bodybuilding ! what's the difference between the two fitness styles ? how could you get started? what are some of the problems beginners face and more questions and interesting conversations ahead in this podcast episode. feel free to check out Kaung and Aldo on instagram. Info include... more