5 Fact Friday 7 Feb 2025https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlie Corporate landlords profits increase as small landlords exithttps://www.cityam.com/grainger-property-giant-benefits-from-higher-rents-and-small-landlord-exits/Bank of England cuts rate AND growth outlook, forecasts rapid rise in unemployment https://www.ba... more
The price gap between homes that are selling and homes that aren't is £35,000. This video explains why.BestAgent House Price Indexhttps://bestagent.news/country/england/My website: https://mhwc.co.ukAll my links: https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlieBook a private video call with me: https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/ext... more
Former Corporate Estate Agent Lexi Hensby spills the beans on how corporate agents cheat sellers, and takes your questions. Join the Movers Club Private Q&A here: https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/membershipIf you'd like to talk to me find me here: https://mhwc.co.uk/speak-to-charlieCambridgeshire sellers, Find Lexi here: ... more
Charlie and mortgage broker Lewis Shaw discuss mortgages and negative equity.https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlieOffer email template: https://mhwc.co.uk/suggested-email-template-for-first-time-buyers-making-an-offer-with-a-mortgage/Join the Movers Q&A Club for zoom access to Charlie twice a month, plus private mess... more
https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlie 5 Fact Friday 24 January 20255FF 31 Jan 2025House Prices Tank £150k in Home Countieshttps://finance.yahoo.com/news/house-prices-plunge-150k-appeal-113856973.html74 children die in Temporary Accommodationhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c897d0l97jkoRightmove says asking rents f... more
Damien Todd, Director of Sweeney Miller Law, does his first Live Q&A on the channel. If you'd like to talk to Damien or his firm about your move, pop your details in here: https://mhwc.co.uk/conveyancing and select "North".First, make sure you're signed up to the 5 Fact Friday email newsletter here: https://mhwc.co.uk/... more
https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlieOffer email template: https://mhwc.co.uk/suggested-email-template-for-first-time-buyers-making-an-offer-with-a-mortgage/Join the Movers Q&A Club for zoom access to Charlie twice a month, plus private message responses. https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/membershipWatch the video here: ... more
5 Fact Friday 24 January 2025Councils withdraw from social house building programs https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2025/01/20/labour-flagship-housing-promise-under-threat/Employment falls fastest since pandemichttps://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/averag... more
Watch the video of this podcast here: https://youtube.com/live/QtILjGzKrjUOffer email template: https://mhwc.co.uk/suggested-email-template-for-first-time-buyers-making-an-offer-with-a-mortgage/Join the Movers Q&A Club for zoom access to Charlie twice a month, plus private message responses. https://buymeacoffee.com/mh... more
It's looking likely for tenants that you won't be able to pay rent in advance even if you want to, from April.Charlie discussed the ramifications withSuzanne Smith - Lawyer turned Landlordhttps://theindependentlandlord.com/Follow Suzanne on her new YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@indie_landlordRenters Ri... more
Talk to me here: https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlieTalk to my mortgage partners here: https://mhwc.co.uk/mortgageand conveyancers here: https://mhwc.co.uk/conveyancingRM Jan Index: https://www.rightmove.co.uk/news/content/uploads/2025/01/Rightmove-HPI-20th-January-Final.pdfSupport the showFollow me on X for daily ... more
5 Fact Friday 17 January 2025 - watch video here: https://youtube.com/live/0kLuioY2DDM10-year house price growth drops 30% between 2022 and 2024. https://www.hamptons.co.uk/articles/house-seller-gains-slip-below-pounds100k#/Foxtons continue overvaluing:https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/153902141#/?channel=RES_BUYO... more
Watch Charlie and Stig (after some wine) here: https://youtube.com/live/r1TZTrScnhwGet Your Weekly 5 Fact Friday Newsletter here: https://mhwc.co.uk/newsletter/ONS November House Price Datahttps://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/privaterentandhousepricesuk/january2025Support the showFollow me ... more
https://mhwc.co.ukOfficial Gov Homelessness Statisticshttps://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/statutory-homelessness-in-england-april-to-june-2024/statutory-homelessness-in-england-april-to-june-2024Homeless Phil - "They set fire to my door"https://youtu.be/c3SJ2bWRK0c?si=FgbnRRngZGI8notXSupport the showFollow me on X... more
A look at the 5 biggest facts affecting housing in 2025 - watch the video here: https://youtube.com/live/X06JTdYudw05 Fact Friday 10 January 2025 ONS House Price Misquoting Oct 2024 https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/privaterentandhousepricesuk/december2024 Oct 2023 https://www.ons.gov.uk... more
BBC Article: No House Price Boomhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8rj6p3lledoAll my links: https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlieBook a 1-1 video call with me here: https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/extrasFTB Offer Email Template: https://mhwc.co.uk/suggested-email-template-for-first-time-buyers-making-an-offer-with-a-... more
Watch the video of this podcast here: https://youtube.com/live/OXGzPI9bAyYSupport the showFollow me on X for daily updates: https://x.com/moving_charlie Talk to my hand picked conveyancing partners here: https://mhwc.co.uk/conveyancingCheck out our national property listings on bestagent.co.uk if you're looking for a n... more
Back in 2023, Alex and I were chatting and he read out his fictional foretelling of a young middle class couple in London and what the bleak future held in store for them.You should watch this short 4 minute video here before the livestream. https://youtu.be/-jfqG9Mqu34In this livestream we'll discuss how that prophec... more
https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlieOffer email template: https://mhwc.co.uk/suggested-email-template-for-first-time-buyers-making-an-offer-with-a-mortgage/Join the Movers Q&A Club for zoom access to Charlie twice a month, plus private message responses. https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/membershiphttps://www.telegraph.... more
Rightmove released it's December "House Price" index today. In this video I will run through it and break down what it actually means. Rightmove December House Price Index Publicationhttps://www.rightmove.co.uk/news/content/uploads/2024/12/Rightmove-HPI-16th-December-Final.pdfSupport the showFollow me on X for daily up... more
5 'Fuct' Friday 13th December - Watch the video here: https://youtube.com/live/ECHqH40_ZloBook a video call with me or join the movers Q&A club here: https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/extrasSteepest decline in job vacancies in 4 yearshttps://www.rec.uk.com/our-view/news/press-releases/report-jobs-steep-reduction-permanent-... more
Join the Charlie and Stig Show here: https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/membershipBook a 1-1 video call with me here: https://buymeacoffee.com/mhwc/extrasFTB Offer Email Template: https://mhwc.co.uk/suggested-email-template-for-first-time-buyers-making-an-offer-with-a-mortgage/Watch the video here: https://youtube.com/live/... more
REC Jobs Data Report 9 Decemberhttps://www.rec.uk.com/our-view/news/press-releases/report-jobs-steep-reduction-permanent-staff-placements-temp-market-decline-easesWatch the video here: https://youtube.com/live/nkyk_3dmkEoSupport the showFollow me on X for daily updates: https://x.com/moving_charlie Talk to my hand pick... more
A segment recorded for the Right Move? Podcast. https://open.spotify.com/show/3RrdKjwwZZPwB8Ln2Ur6XISupport the showFollow me on X for daily updates: https://x.com/moving_charlie Talk to my hand picked conveyancing partners here: https://mhwc.co.uk/conveyancingCheck out our national property listings on bestagent.co.uk... more
https://mhwc.co.uk for everything - Watch the video of this podcast here: https://youtube.com/live/blpc_1Np0iMhttps://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlie for everything else5 Fact Friday 6 DecemberCladding Deadlinehttps://www.gov.uk/government/news/radical-action-to-speed-up-removal-of-unsafe-cladding-announcedTelegraph wa... more