In this episode, Tom explains the mechanics of computing reality – analytical vs digital. He then explains how the rendering engine computes three paradoxes:Schrödinger’s Cat;The Zeno Effect; and The Double Slit Experiment.This episode is Part 3 of the MBT Science Trilogy series.YouTube Link to the original MBT S... more
Thomas Campbell's big theory of everything generates many questions from those seeking answers to the bigger picture viewpoint. A lot of these questions are received via email, website contact forms, and YouTube comments. In this episode, Donna of MBT Events asks Tom some questions that could be beneficial for many lis... more
While Tom’s Theory of Everything provides a fully scientific explanation of both the objective and subjective worlds and can derive both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics – the purpose in all of it is love.“Your mission is to grow up. It's to lower your entropy. It's to become love. That's your mission. That's what you... more
Tom walks us through applying the logic of Virtual Reality (VR) to ourselves. This VR provides an effective evolutionary process because of the significant and challenging ethical and moral choices available to us. As a social system, we can lower our entropy if we maximize our caring for, and cooperation with, each ot... more
In this discussion, Donna asks Tom about the evolution of the Larger Consciousness System (LCS). Tom’s My Big TOE trilogy is built upon the assumptions that consciousness both exists, and evolves, but what may have happened leading up to this? How did the LCS figure out that Love is the answer? Growing up is a slow pro... more
Is there an afterlife? What happens after we die? Can psychic mediums really connect with our deceased loved ones? In this episode, Tom addresses the concept of afterlife from the MBT viewpoint.
Tom explains that the mathematics applied to physics is just the logic of quantity, but it’s not the only thing that matters. He goes on to describe his conceptual theory, and how logic is the key to this paradigm-shifting model of reality.This episode is Part 1 of the MBT Science Trilogy playlist.YouTube Link to the... more
Tom Campbell's big theory of everything generates many questions from those seeking answers to the bigger picture viewpoint. A lot of these questions are received via email, website contact forms, and YouTube comments. In this episode (originally recorded in May of 2021), Donna of MBT Events asks Tom some questions tha... more
MBT Volunteer, Viktor Erdelyi, facilitator of the Conscious Computer Project, discusses the nature and future of conscious computers with Tom.Topics Include:1) a brief introduction to MBT concepts and definitions;2) consciousness, time, and free will;3) consciousness evolution and lowering entropy4) intuition and ... more
The hard problem of physics and consciousness can be solved with a new understanding of our reality – that it is a computed, virtual reality and consciousness has nothing to do with the physical process. Tom and Donna discuss how Tom’s theory solves numerous paradoxes without adding any new assumptions or hard problems... more
Tom elaborates on the three paths of spiritual growth he spoke about in his book and discusses the advantages, and some disadvantages, of each. Those paths are that of the warrior, the path of surrender, and the path of service. Everybody's path is really a combination of those three, and everybody's process is unique ... more
A short history of the origin and evolution of MBT. Thomas Campbell’s Theory of Everything is a model of reality that begins with two assumptions: Consciousness exists and Evolution exists; and from those two assumptions, provides a fully scientific explanation of both the objective and subjective worlds. It can derive... more
Thomas Campbell's big theory of everything generates many questions from those seeking answers to the bigger picture viewpoint. A lot of these questions are received via email, website contact forms, and YouTube comments. In this episode (originally recorded in March of 2021), Donna of MBT Events asks Tom some question... more
This episode features Thomas Campbell's Physics Experiments Presentation. Tom and his team of scientists have conducted his newly designed set of physics experiments which are variations on the classic double slit experiment. The results of which will revolutionize our understanding of reality and will provide credible... more
Thomas Campbell's big theory of everything generates many questions from those seeking answers to the bigger picture viewpoint. A lot of these questions are received via email, website contact forms, and YouTube comments. In this episode (originally recorded in January of 2021), Donna of MBT Events asks Tom some questi... more
The fear of death is one of the biggest and most common fears people have. Ultimately, our consciousness is immortal, and we will go on and continue after our body dies in Physical Matter Reality (PMR). In this episode, Donna from MBT Events and Thomas Campbell have a conversation about the complexity of the fear of de... more
Thomas Campbell and Donna of MBT Events have a conversation regarding Tom’s anticipated physics experiment results which will provide evidence that our reality is virtual. Once the nature of our reality is accepted to be virtual, science will be able to logically conclude that consciousness is the computer. So why woul... more
Donna of MBT Events interviews Thomas Campbell on some of his theory's most controversial questions.Topics include:Who are we really?How can we differentiate between our Free Will Awareness Unit (FWAU) and Individuated Unit of Consciousness (IUOC)?What are psychic mediums really seeing when they contact the de... more
Tom talks about the differences in the objective realm vs the subjective realm, how we are co-creators of this reality, using our intent to modify future probability, and how we can explore consciousness in out-of-body states.
The connection between virtual reality, MBT's theory of consciousness, and physic's double slit experiment. Tom also talks about our consciousness being immortal, our very specific purpose of living this life and how we can be happy, how to lower our entropy and become love.