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A Basket by the Door episode 1 (Special series of My Open Kitchen)

A Basket by the Door episode 1 (Special series of My Open Kitchen)

Released Wednesday, 3rd April 2019
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A Basket by the Door episode 1 (Special series of My Open Kitchen)

A Basket by the Door episode 1 (Special series of My Open Kitchen)

A Basket by the Door episode 1 (Special series of My Open Kitchen)

A Basket by the Door episode 1 (Special series of My Open Kitchen)

Wednesday, 3rd April 2019
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Hello and welcome to the Basket by the Door podcast! This will be a special five part series released under our My Open Kitchen moniker - a collection of stories and celebrations of baskets by doors and love and stories of how food can heal and nourish and calm and comfort.

Episode one features interviews with the lovely lovely Tessa Kiros and Emiko Davies. Plus a little cameo by Gillian Bell who tells a story that will probably make you cry and smile and want to rush into the kitchen and bake something. And a visit from bibliotherapist Germaine Leece who suggests some books to pop into our baskets for extra comfort.

I hope you enjoy listening to these stories AND music. So - the music in this podcast (except for the very first song I Like Pie I Like Cake, by the Four Clefs ) is by local duo, sisters Sophie and Abby from Smith and Jones. Their soulful mix of country, folk and jazz is nourishment for the ears and excellent cooking music! Please go over and check them out, have a listen and whenever you can - go and see them play live!

Emiko Davies; 

Germaine Leece

Bibliotherapist Germaine Leece offered up these book suggestions for books to nourish and comfort while we adjust to change

  • For a friend recovering from heartbreak - Tin Man by Sarah Winman; a poetic tale about first love, friendship and love, a book that celebrates the flip side of having loved.
  • For a friend recovering from an illness or convalescing - when you want to remind your loved one that through the worst can come growth and resilience, Maggie O Farrell’s memoir I am I am I am (17 brushes with death) a book filled with hope and wonder.
  • And for new mums or anyone who needs to let the body rest while our mind is taken away to a different place -  Elizabeth Jane Howard's The Light Years



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