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Myoclonic Jerk

Daniel Kaufman

Myoclonic Jerk

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Myoclonic Jerk

Daniel Kaufman

Myoclonic Jerk

Myoclonic Jerk

Daniel Kaufman

Myoclonic Jerk

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"Beautifully made... brilliantly original," says The Telegraph. A 20-part public-radio-style series that asks big questions about life and how to live it. Ex-lawyer/comedian Daniel Kaufman takes on a different subject each episode using monologue, stories, interviews, music, and more. This show is made with a lot of love and care (and OCD) and new episodes come out very infrequently, but they will keep coming, so be sure to subscribe to get all future episodes. You can also be notified of new releases by joining the mailing list at the website. FYI, a myoclonic jerk is that twitch that happens as you're falling asleep that wakes you up. Scientists think the brain confuses the feeling of your muscles relaxing with the feeling of falling or dying and sends a startle impulse to your body to save it. Why is that the name of this podcast? Why not?

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Podcast Details

Created by
Daniel Kaufman
Podcast Status
Oct 15th, 2010
Latest Episode
Jan 5th, 2019
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
About 2 hours

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