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New Podcast Let Us Reason - A Christian/Muslim Dialogue

Al Fadi

New Podcast Let Us Reason - A Christian/Muslim Dialogue

A weekly Religion and Spirituality podcast

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New Podcast Let Us Reason - A Christian/Muslim Dialogue

Al Fadi

New Podcast Let Us Reason - A Christian/Muslim Dialogue

New Podcast Let Us Reason - A Christian/Muslim Dialogue

Al Fadi

New Podcast Let Us Reason - A Christian/Muslim Dialogue

A weekly Religion and Spirituality podcast
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Feb 15th, 2025
Continuing last week's discussion,  Al Fadi and Dr Jay Smith say that Ibn Mujaahed chose the seven Kira'at in the tenth century.  The criteria for choosing them was popularity.  Hafs differ from the other Kira'at by 93 thousand dots and vowels.  Therefore the preservation claim does not stand the test.  They give sever...
Feb 8th, 2025
Dr Jay and Al Fadi discuss the multiple different Arabic Qurans that a Turkish sister called Hattun found in different Arabic countries starting in 2016.  Dr Jay and Hattun took the Qurans to speakers corner in England where they showed them to Muslims who were shocked to hear and see that, because they have been told ...
Feb 1st, 2025
Al Fadi and Dr Jay continue there discussion from  Shoemaker's book Creating the Quran.  They name some scholars  including Montgomery, Patricia Corona and others who point out that Mecca was insignificant and Medina (Yathrib was a small date oasis with few hundred people living there, and there is no mention of Jews l...
Jan 25th, 2025
Al Fadi and Dr Jay Smith continue there review of Shoemaker book; creating the Quran.  Today they focus on where was the origin of the Quran.  They say that there was some rock inscription in Northern Arabian not in the Hijaz. Some of the reasons why the inscription doesn't fit the Hijazi dialect of central Arabia are ...
Jan 18th, 2025
Muslims claim that Mecca is in Saudi Arabia, that Mohammad was born there, and that he also received his revelation of the Quran there.  If that is true where is Mecca? Steven Shoemaker in his book Creating the Quran on page114 mentions that there is no mention of a mecca in any of the great civilizations of the time ....
Jan 11th, 2025
This manuscript was found in Damascus and was moved to Germany.  It looks a lot like the upper layer of the Sana manuscript.  There are three reasons why this manuscript is 8th century and not 7th century: 1. The dots , the circles ,and the verse markings suggests that the text is a later text.  2. .  The page layout a...
Jan 4th, 2025
Dr Jay and Al Fadi continue the comparison between the upper and the lower layers of the Sana manuscripts of the Quran with the 1924 Hafs edition of the Quran. They point out differences that changes the meaning of the text; for example Sura  9: 9 in the lower layer of the manuscripts states" the way of Allah while the...
Dec 28th, 2024
Dr Jay Smith discusses the book that Dr Asma Hilali wrote on the Sana Palimpsest manuscripts.  He talks about the conclusions that she came up with by comparing it to todays Hafs Quran; she says that there are seventy variants in sixty three verses.  She also believes that it is a student text.  Jay says that that shu...
Dec 21st, 2024
The Sana manuscripts is a palimpsest manuscripts ; which means that there is a lower and upper layers of writing . Scholars say that the two writings are late seventh and early eighth century respectively.  They think that it is two versions of the Quran; the first is a pre- standard Quran which was erased and rewritte...
Dec 14th, 2024
The Sana'a manuscript was discovered in Yemen in 1975, it is very old with no dots and vowels.  It is a palimpsest (It has two layers of writings). It had late 7th to 8th century scripts.  It was carbon tested at the university of Arizona in 2007, and was dated to mid 7th century. The same segment was taken to four Eur...
Dec 7th, 2024
Al Fadi and Anthony Rogers continue their discussion of Isaiah 53.  In this session they discuss how Jesus and His disciples talked about the fulfillment of Isaiah 53; 1. In Luke 24 after Jesus's resurrection ; he is explaining to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus  how the Christ will suffer, die and come back to...
Nov 30th, 2024
Al Fadi and Anthony Rogers continue in Isaiah 53 about the reason for the death of the righteous servant.  It is atone for the guilt of the people (53:5,11).  This is the gospel message in advance.  The gospel is the good news; in Isaiah 40:9, 52:7.  Is. 53:1 the gospel is proclaimed. The gospel of Mark starts as it is...
Nov 23rd, 2024
Al Fadi and Anthony Rogers continue discussing Isaiah 52 and 53, They notice that this servant is an individual, a human, a man, not a nation.  The pronoun "He" is being used many times.  In Isaiah 52:13, This servant will be highly exalted.  In Isaiah 2, the Lord alone will be exalted; This shows the divine identity o...
Nov 2nd, 2024
Al Fadi and Dr David continue to disprove the myth of the perfect preservation of the Quran.  In this episode they go to a book called Fadaelle Al Quran;  in Sura 33 there is only 73 verses left of 200 original verses; the reason is that a sheep ate it according to Ayesha who had the only copy of the sura.  According t...
Oct 26th, 2024
Mohammad married Ayesha at age 6 and consummated the marriage at age 9.  The Quran allows marriage of  prepubescent child (Sura 65:4).  And since Muslims believe that Muhammad was an example for mankind; therefore Islam allows child marriage.  In order to justify that; the Muslim Da'wa team lie about girls being marrie...
Oct 19th, 2024
The lie of the perfect preservation of the Quran is no longer believable. Dr wood and Al Fadi discuss the discovery of multiple copies of the Quran that don't agree with each other.  They also discuss the debate between Muslim scholars and debaters about how to answer  the false claim of the preservation of the QuranSe...
Oct 12th, 2024
Al Fadi and Dr Jay Smith discuss the incarnation of Jesus; the word became flesh. Muslims deny that God can come to earth even though the story of the burning bush is in Chapter 20:10-14 of the Quran . The only way to have a holy ground is if God is there. They also talk about the two types of revelations; the general ...
Oct 5th, 2024
Sin in Islam is a set of dos and don'ts, Muslims believe there is two angels that are assigned to every person at birth to record their good and bad deeds, and that good deeds cancel out bad deeds. The Bible says that sin is much deeper that that, it took one sin to get Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden. They coul...
Sep 21st, 2024
Al Fadi and Dr jay Smith  discuss more doctrinal differences between Christianity and Islam and today they start with the trinity; they point out how the Christian God is relational both in the God head and with His creation.  They point out that we are made in God's image to be relational too.  Second they show the di...
Sep 14th, 2024
This is a start of a new series called The Hermeneutical Key; it is the key to interpret scripture.  Today's topic is The Garden of Eden.  In the Bible (Genesis 3:8,9 ) we read the story of the fall of Adam and Eve ; God was walking and talking with them; He had a relationship with them.  Also in the Bible the Garden o...
Sep 7th, 2024
Al Fadi and Michael Jones discuss the effects of polygamy in Islam which allows for polygamy. Muslims claim that the Bible has polygamy in it. The truth is that  the old testament records the sins of some characters in the Bible who practiced polygamy ,but is not so from the beginning in Genesis 2:24 that a man leaves ...
Aug 31st, 2024
Today Al Fadi and Michael Jones talk about the mental and the social harm of child marriage.  Islam promotes child marriage as we saw in a previous episode.  Studies shows the mental harm that it causes from depression, anxiety, phobia, and suicidal thoughts just to name a few.  The social harm are death during child b...
Aug 24th, 2024
Al Fadi and his guest speaker Michael Jones of ( Inspiring Philosophy You Tube Channel) talk about why is child marriage allowed and promoted in Islam; 1. It was done by Mohammad who is an example to Muslims when he married Aisha at age six. 2. It is done to protect the parents social status and not the Girl's well bei...
Aug 17th, 2024
Al Fadi asks the question above. He gives a lot of Bible verses to show that if we believe in Jesus we have eternal life; 1John 5: 12-13 , John 5: 24, Romans 8:16, just to mention a few. And nothing can separate us from God's love or snatch us out of his hands John 10:29, Romans 8:38,39.  Our salvation is sure as Chris...
Aug 10th, 2024
In this episode Al Fadi answers the question on his Facebook page; Alfadi.cira,  " If Mohammad is a prophet like Moses why did he violate the Sabbath".  Mohammad acknowledged in Sura 4:154 that the Sabbath was not to be violated .  In Hadith Al Bukhari B2,V13:1,21, Mohammad did not honor the Sabbath, but introduced his...
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