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Why South Africa's Townships Suffer Worse From Climate Change

Why South Africa's Townships Suffer Worse From Climate Change

Released Friday, 4th October 2024
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Why South Africa's Townships Suffer Worse From Climate Change

Why South Africa's Townships Suffer Worse From Climate Change

Why South Africa's Townships Suffer Worse From Climate Change

Why South Africa's Townships Suffer Worse From Climate Change

Friday, 4th October 2024
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Catastrophic weather events from floods and storms to extreme heat are becoming more common as the climate continues to change, but the impacts are being felt worse among disadvantaged communities. A new report from the World Bank has shown that South Africa's townships are on average 6 to 8 degrees celcius hotter than wealthier suburbs in the same cities. Ntando Thukwana joins Jennifer Zabasajja to talk about her reporting on this story - and what the South African government needs to do to try and help

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