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Poetical exploration of being human with  ’the timekeeper’

Amy Grainger - Souls of One’s Feet

Poetical exploration of being human with ’the timekeeper’

A daily Society, Culture and Philosophy podcast

 1 person rated this podcast
Poetical exploration of being human with  ’the timekeeper’

Amy Grainger - Souls of One’s Feet

Poetical exploration of being human with ’the timekeeper’

Poetical exploration of being human with  ’the timekeeper’

Amy Grainger - Souls of One’s Feet

Poetical exploration of being human with ’the timekeeper’

A daily Society, Culture and Philosophy podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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In a world defined by labels and constraints I set out on a journey many moons ago to embark on an exploration of time. As I yearned for a deeper understanding of our modern world my journey took me on a philosophical exploration of what it means to be human (at least to me) - Here I am keeping time through the Souls of One’s Feet - A philosophical exploration for you.

Amid my responsibilities, the labels, the expectations - I have never lost sight of my dreams and aspirations as I continue on this journey I invite you along to participate - to activate your inner knowing of what it means to you to be human.

Step into a realm with me. Where time unravels its secrets. As I redefine myself as the modern- day philosopher - ’The Timekeeper’ I will guide you with my enigmatic wisdom and patience, in hope to acknowledge what it means for all humans including our children to be here in this world. Join me on a poetic journey, where mechanical time clashes with nature’s unpredictable rhythms, leaving us questioning our place in the vast tapestry of existence. As the whispers of rebirth and grace linger, can we truly find harmony in the boundless depths of time?

I invite you to explore for yourself what being human means to you. I have written a series of six philosophical works an exploration of time - which I hope to bring into the world soon for you ... Until then...

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Podcast Details

Created by
Amy Grainger - Souls of One’s Feet
Podcast Status
Aug 2nd, 2023
Latest Episode
Dec 27th, 2023
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
4 minutes

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