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Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula (and other tales)

Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula (and other tales)

Released Wednesday, 2nd September 2020
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Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula (and other tales)

Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula (and other tales)

Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula (and other tales)

Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula (and other tales)

Wednesday, 2nd September 2020
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We dedicate this episode to Sarah Keller, a friend taken from us too soon. Apologies to Alex Garrett for the hate speech Kacie says in this episode.

For those who want to skip around: 

1:15: Eulogy

4:39: Magical Lying Hour (Cary Farrow and Sarah Keller) 

16:27: Chat w/ Kacie Adams

22:46: Aaron's Trash Corner

28:20: Dentist (Ben Seidensticker, Love, Well Actually) 

35:52: Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula 

1:03:00: The People's Response to Sarah Keller, Local Lesbian, Modern Dracula (w/ Kacie Adams)

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