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Dimitri Mugianis on Iboga, Addiction, and Healing

Dimitri Mugianis on Iboga, Addiction, and Healing

Released Thursday, 9th December 2021
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Dimitri Mugianis on Iboga, Addiction, and Healing

Dimitri Mugianis on Iboga, Addiction, and Healing

Dimitri Mugianis on Iboga, Addiction, and Healing

Dimitri Mugianis on Iboga, Addiction, and Healing

Thursday, 9th December 2021
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The first sentence to Dimitri’s Wikipedia entry describes him as “a harm reductionist, activist, musician, poet, writer, anarchist, and psychedelic practitioner.” He spent years using large amounts of heroin and cocaine, then put that all behind him with the help of ibogaine, which prompted him to start helping others with underground ibogaine sessions, which got him arrested, which lead him to become a leader in providing innovative wellness services for people in harm reduction programs, which, which, which… And all that only skims the surface of describing Dimitri’s remarkable journey and ongoing evolution as a compassionate and innovative helper of those who struggle with drugs and life.

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