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Clarity, Connection, and Copy with Elise Hodge

Clarity, Connection, and Copy with Elise Hodge

Released Monday, 16th January 2023
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Clarity, Connection, and Copy with Elise Hodge

Clarity, Connection, and Copy with Elise Hodge

Clarity, Connection, and Copy with Elise Hodge

Clarity, Connection, and Copy with Elise Hodge

Monday, 16th January 2023
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Elise Hodge, founder of Connection Copy Co. walks us through how she started with profit in mind which lead her to purpose. On this episdoe we discuss how to gain clarity for positioning and copywriting in your business, how to connect with your ideal client through target research, and end with a real conversation about being a momtrepreneur and how hard it is to balance it all. Let's get real and go from Purpose to Profit. 

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