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Red Tornado Died For Our Sins


Red Tornado Died For Our Sins

A Film and television podcast

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Red Tornado Died For Our Sins


Red Tornado Died For Our Sins

Red Tornado Died For Our Sins


Red Tornado Died For Our Sins

A Film and television podcast
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Episodes of Red Tornado Died For Our Sins

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Jun 11th, 2017
Today the gang tackles Legends! What starts as loving tribute to the Justice Society of America ends with one of the most horrifying plot twists in the history of the show! Also: The Flash has excellent facial expressions A plethora of voice actors A wordless cameo by Batman A boss fight that is essentially a bunch of ...


Apr 5th, 2017
In this episode, we learn the ultimate truth: MISANDRY IS REAL! Why does a zombie get sick? Can you really engineer a disease that infects male aliens? Could Jonn have just shape changed into a female? Why wasn't the little girl punished for bringing a man to Themyscira?


Mar 28th, 2017
SKO and CT take a break (?) from the Justice League cartoon to talk about the upcoming Justice League movie.


Feb 26th, 2017
This week on Red Tornado Died For Our Sins: what's better than a super-intelligent gorilla? How about an entire city full of them? The Flash/Green Lantern superhero comedy tour is in full effect Grodd's speech to Central City is better than the Gettsyburg Address. As is Flash's heckling. The Justice League brawls with ...


Jan 22nd, 2017
On tonight's episode, we get our first villain team up, as Lex Luthor assembles a crack team to take down the Justice League.


Jan 8th, 2017
After a detour into character study, the Justice League returns with what we love most: punching stuff! Superman "turns the other cheek". But just once. Lots of good, old fashioned space violence in this episode. And I mean LOTS. Also, Martian Manhunter makes friends with Lunch Lady Doris.


Dec 11th, 2016
Nothing says "Justice League" quite like having your family forcibly taken from you! In this episode, it's Wonder Woman's turn. Featuring: An idiot makes a deal with the Devil A Superman/Wonder Woman dustup! Nonsensicle rules that must be followed to the letter! The Flash/Martian Manhunter sitcom we never ...


Nov 16th, 2016
Things in this episode: Why is John Stewart such a dick? Deadshot's terrific disguise Aquaman Aquaman Aquaman! Why would Atlanteans have a chamber that executes people via drowning? We miss the Flash


Oct 23rd, 2016
With both Wolter and Batman "busy" tonight, CT and SKO are left alone to ponder the really big questions: What's up with the Manhunters? Will Superman EVER dodge that laser bolt? Who the hell put together this Intergalactic Tribunal anyway? Why are the Green Lanterns such chumps?


Oct 9th, 2016
Observations: There's actually plenty of murder on this show Cyclops the cuckold The citizens of Metropolis can not be bothered to evacuate in the face of an alien invasion Hawkwoman? What's she doing here?




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