This year, Cartoon Forum was held in Toulouse, from September 13-16 with 950 participants including producers, broadcasters and investors. 2016 was the inaugural year a special 'Focus on...' country, with the selected country being Ireland.
Cartoon Forum is a pitching & co-pro forum for animated TV projects. 3 days, producers have the opportunity to pitch their project in front of 900 broadcasters, investors and other potential partners from 30 countries. Since its creation in 1990, 680 series have found financing, with a total budget of 2.3 billion EUR.
Images by and © Cartoon Media
Interviews:Annick Maes: Director of Cartoon Forum DirectorPaul Young: Animation Ireland & Cartoon Saloon, Ireland.Eileen Bell: Enterprise IrelandDeirdre Barry: Salty Dog Pictures, Ireland.Cliff Parrott: Salty Dog Pictures, Ireland.Nayoung Cho: Anyzax Animation, South Korea,Zsuzsana Krief: Director, The Adventures of Candide - Popfilm, Hungary.Ben Harper: Creative Director, Giant Animation - Creepers, Ireland.Adrian Mulvey: Producer, Keg Kartoonz, Ireland.
Produced by: Andy O'Donoghue
Licence: CC BY-NC 3.0You may broadcast, edit and transmit this audio content, but if you do, you must attribute it to the original producer and you may not charge for the content, or sell it, or offer it as part of a subscription only service.
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