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E26 : Heather Brunner, Chairwoman & CEO, WPEngine

E26 : Heather Brunner, Chairwoman & CEO, WPEngine

Released Saturday, 21st January 2017
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E26 : Heather Brunner, Chairwoman & CEO, WPEngine

E26 : Heather Brunner, Chairwoman & CEO, WPEngine

E26 : Heather Brunner, Chairwoman & CEO, WPEngine

E26 : Heather Brunner, Chairwoman & CEO, WPEngine

Saturday, 21st January 2017
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Last year, I met Heather Brunner, CEO of WPEngine in Lisbon. In an interview broadcast on Midlands 103FM we chatted about WPEngine's investment outside of the US, in the UK and Ireland but in this extended version we talk about a lot more.

What has powered the growth of WPEngine since 2010? What's life at a tech company in the Silicon Hills of Austin, Texas? How WPEngine's customer focus is in their DNA and the importance of WordPress in democratising publishing in a new media world.

Recorded at the WebSummit, Lisbon, 2016 | Produced by Andy O'Donoghue

Licence: CC BY-NC 3.0You may broadcast, edit and transmit this audio content, but if you do, you must attribute it to the original producer and you may not charge for the content, or sell it, or offer it as part of a subscription only service.

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