What does 2018 have in store for Regulation A+ offerings? Listen to part two of this “Reg.A Money Show” podcast where Darren Marble - CEO of CrowdFundX - talks about the future of Regulation A+ and what he thinks will be some major happenings for the upcoming year. As mentioned in Part 1 of this show, we’ll probably see hybrid offerings take center stage as the Reg.A+ industry continues to move upstream. As the name implies, “Hybrid” Reg.A+ offerings raise money effectively from both Wall Street and Main Street investors. By targeting both these investor segments, companies can raise more capital and build massive brand equity, particularly because the small-time main street investors are the stickiest in the entire deal – meaning they like the company and want to see the deals work out on an emotional level as well. The end result is a successful raise and the cultivation of more customers through more sophisticated marketing efforts. However, there’s no perfect hybrid formula. So what’s the best mix of institutional banks and investors, broker-dealers, and the Reg.A+ equity crowdfunding public? Listen to the podcast as Mr. Marble answers this very question and goes into some of the projects CrowdFundX will be working on in 2018!