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Renegade Psych

Ethan P. Short, MD

Renegade Psych

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Renegade Psych

Ethan P. Short, MD

Renegade Psych

Renegade Psych

Ethan P. Short, MD

Renegade Psych

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In more than a decade of training and clinical practice as a psychiatrist, I've become increasingly disillusioned by the American healthcare system. It prioritizes profit over progress at the expense of OUR health. The average American spends almost twice as much on healthcare as the next highest spending country, yet our life expectancy drags four years behind other industrialized nations and ranks OUTSIDE the top 50 in the world. The system is a disaster, yet it's broadcast as 'the greatest healthcare system in the world.' Renegade Psych wants to return medicine's focus to PROGRESS OVER PROFIT, and limit the influence and power of the pharmaceutical industry and big business entities, whose primary motivations are financial in nature.

This conversational podcast is released monthly via SERIES on particular topics. There are 8-12 SEGMENTS, or episodes, per topic. I interview internationally-recognized experts in their fields AND relatively unknown, up-and-coming healthcare providers. Hopefully, we can educate patients AND providers about our medical system (especially mental health), so they can make better and more informed healthcare decisions.

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Podcast Details

Created by
Ethan P. Short, MD
Podcast Status
Oct 4th, 2023
Latest Episode
Feb 12th, 2025
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
27 minutes

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