Rhonda Roupp and Miguel Rios receive an unexpected visit from Uriah Roupp who has a job offer for Miguel. Uriah tries to smooth things over with Dimitri Cassadine and the Bulgakov money.
Lorna Rios is just not able to cope with the Mail Room and goes to Uriah Roupp for relief. Elise Geltz and Regina Miranda have a pressing issue to resolve.
Shane Randolf and Missy Ravenswood visit Beverly's grave and are curious as to who paid for the funeral services. Their curiosity causes them to be late for work and initiates a confrontation with Uriah Roupp.
Dimitri Cassidine meets Sasha Durakov whos is delivering a message from his grandfather Ivan Bulgakov. Miguel Rios drops by Distractions and has a talk trading histories with Dimitri Cassidine.
Uriah Roupp makes his move forcing his way into the CEO position at Roupp Pharmaceuticals. Lorna Rios confronts Uriah Roupp as she moves out. Milton Roupp makes phone calls from jail in an attempt to secure his release.
Rhonda Roupp gets a call from the psychiatric clinic and immediately calls a divorce attorney. Miguel Rios gets a visit from Dr. Magnus Carlisle. Uriah Roupp gives Dimitri Cassidine an offer he can't refuse.
Elise Geltz is interviewing a possible new manager for the laundromat, when she is interrupted by two men in ski masks demanding all of the cash. Uriah Roupp. Missy Ravenswood, and Shane Randolf move into the Roupp Mansion.
Missy Ravenswood discovers her nemesis and co-worker Shane Randolf sleeping on a cot in the mail room. Rhonda Roupp reconnects with Miguel Rios but not without some issues to resolve.
The Gamote Point New Year's Eve Police Gala is underway with all of the A listers in attendance, most of whom are having a wonderful time, including a couple of young party crashers.
Milton Roupp talks with Beverly Randolf about her financial stability and his possible future with her. Uriah Roupp discovers that his sister Missy Ravenswood has pilfered a DNA test from the lab.
Cassandra Davies is feeling the law closing in and has decided to leave Gamote Point, the problem is there are others who are planning an exit for her that will not be at all to her liking.
Missy Ravenswood's reluctance to do her homework assignment may lead to some serious trouble. Rhonda Roupp's behavior leads to an intervention by Uriah Roupp, Regina Miranda, and Dimitri Cassadine.
Milton Roupp has good news for Beverly Randolf concerning her finances. Rhonda Roupp believes Regina Miranda was behind her cancer diagnosis "mix up" and confronts her. This leads to an intervention.
Not satisfied with the police investigation Regina Miranda decides to see for herself what is happening at Distractions. Rhonda Roupp receives some amazing news concerning her cancer diagnosis.
Uriah Roupp moves forward with the guardianship of Rhonda Roupp's twin children. Elise Geltz and Dimitri Cassidine are having a discussion at his bar Distractions when Police Chief Agnes Brody arrives investigating possible drug trafficking.
Shane Randolf has a heart-to-heart with the only adult male in his life, Milton Roupp, who offers him a new career opportunity. Regina Miranda gives Missy Ravenswood some pointers in her new chosen profession.
Beverly Randolf is so pleased with her new job, and she is allowing that joy to creep into her morning routine with blueberry pancakes for her son Shane and her house guest Milton Roupp.
Uriah Roupp discusses the possibility of hiring a somewhat reluctant Beverly Randolf to manage the laundomat for Elise Geltz. Milton Roupp and Beverly go over the evnts of her first day at her new job.
Lorna Rios puts her granddaughter Missy Ravenswood on notice about her snooping around Roupp Pharmaceuticals, then asks Regina Miranda to take Missy under her wing, teach her the craft. Later Regina meets with Missy to discuss the how and who.
Lorna Rios is concerned that her granddaughter, Missy Ravenswood, might be up to something as she sees her wondering around in Roupp Pharmaceuticals, so Lorna enlists the aid of Regina Miranda to perhaps give Missy some focus in her life.
After a long day at work Uriah Roupp receives an anonymous note concerning Rhonda Roupp's medical condition. Margot Roupp stops by and confirms the importance of the note. Missy Ravenswood and Margot Roupp have a girls’ day out.
Elise Geltz and Regina Miranda have a long heart-to-heart conversation at Distractions, working out some of the issues in their lives. After which Regina is feeling guilty about her involvement with doctoring Rhonda Roupp's medical record.
Cassandra Davies sneaks into Distractions to check on her partner Tony, the new bartender and she is spotted by Regina Miranda. Cassandra leaves the bar right away and takes up residence in a cheap hotel on the edge of town.
Milton Roupp attempts to recruit his captor's son, Shane Randolf, into spying for him at Roupp Pharmaceuticals. While Missy Ravenswood is delivery mail to the executive offices, she happens to overhear one side of a disturbing Cassandra Davies phone call.
Missy Ravenswood and Shane Randolf are a bit bored in the mailroom, so they plan a surprise for Missy's brother Uriah Roupp. That's probably not going to go over well. Later the two of them talk about their futures after Gamote Point.