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Retro Rejects

NESComplex and Vintage Video Game Geek

Retro Rejects

A Games, Hobbies and Video Games podcast

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Retro Rejects

NESComplex and Vintage Video Game Geek

Retro Rejects

Retro Rejects

NESComplex and Vintage Video Game Geek

Retro Rejects

A Games, Hobbies and Video Games podcast
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Episodes of Retro Rejects

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Vintage and Chris temporarily rise from obscurity to discuss the God-awful conclusion to the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, the top retro news of 2019, what might happen in 2020, answer questions from the fake bag, and more!
Vintage welcomes The Mighty Q-Dawgs (Eric and Melissa) to talk about gaming conventions, the mini console craze, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Star Trek: Picard, getting old, and more!
After two failed attempts to record an episode about Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, Chris and Vintage give up and just record the mailbag segment for the third time.
Chris and Vintage return for the first of (hopefully) many annual reunion shows to settle their Nintendo Switch bet, talk about the SNES Classic, Star Trek Discovery, The Orville and more!
Happy 2016! It's a new year, but it's also the final episode of Retro Rejects. Chris and Vintage close up the mailbag and share their favorite moments from the show.
Merry Christmas! Chris and Vintage return from a hiatus far far away to discuss Star: Wars The Force Awakens and the death of Star Trek!
Things get a little weird on this episode of Retro Rejects when Vintage learns he unknowingly dressed up as a girl for Halloween.
Chris and Vintage welcome GirfriendVS to the show, play the Newlywed Game, and talk about their favorite movies from back in the day.
Chris and Vintage discuss Guardians of the Galaxy, the new TMNT movie, Star Trek Voyager and more!
Chris and Vintage welcome Alex, aka Critical Failure, aka TigerClawTV, aka TigerClawRadio to the show and discuss classic PC and indie gaming!
Chris and Vintage talk about hanging with GirlfriendVS, Player 1 from the CatridgeBros, and Rip aka Mr. Mailbag. The boys answer some audio questions and do a Retro Pick!
Chris and Vintage force themselves to record what may just be the worst episode of Retro Rejects ever!
Chris and Vintage celebrate one year of Retro Rejects by getting PS3s, playing the Newlywed Game and chatting with some special guests!
Chris and Vintage welcome special guest Gamester81 to talk about his Colecovision homebrew and Deep Space Nine!
Chris and Vintage discuss the passing of Jew Wario and Keeb, answer some mailbag questions and talk some serious Trek!
Chris and Vintage return to the mailbag to answer eight audio questions!
The Cartridge Bros. stop by the podcast to try their luck at The Newlywed Game and talk about the 16-Bit Console Wars.
It's Christmas time, and that means the first annual Retro Rejects Gift Exchange! The boys also talk about their fondest Christmas memories from years gone by1.
Today's special guest is Gregg from ArcadeImpossible! The boys play Twenty Questions, dish out some Retro Picks and reminisce about all the stupid things they did as kids.
Chris and Vintage return to the mailbag to answer questions submitted by the listeners about six months ago.
Chris and Vintage attempt to make a serious dent in the overflowing mailbag and discuss their best finds in the wild, the greatest and worst controllers, hobbies outside of game collecting and more!
Chris and Vintage answer their first questions from the mailbag, provide some spoiler-free thoughts on Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness, discuss breakfast cereal memories and more!
In the first episode of the Retro Rejects Gaming Podcast, Chris and Vintage discuss the origins of their friendship, the Retron5, the new Star Trek: Into Darkness trailer, Transformers and more!
Chris and Vintage discuss their adventures at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, answer some audio questions, provide a Halloween "Retro Pick", and discuss Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
This episode features the delightful YouTuber futurematt5 from the great city of London, England. Matt talks about "Shooter Elitism" and has his knowledge put to the test by Vintage and Chris.
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