This week, Josh and Rachel get a case of "VBS Blues” as they follow memory lane into another classic AIO episode. Along the way, their conversation touches upon rookie teaching mistakes, sixth-grader shenanigans, and the awkward non-humor of forced comedy.Our audiobook recommendation this week is The Best Christmas Pa... more
This week, Josh and Rachel review "Heavy Weather," and spend over half an hour enjoying Connie's misery. Along the way, they discuss mood swings, teen social dynamics, and the value of Dale Johnson's shed in the rain.Our audiobook recommendation this week is The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien. Visit audibletrial... more
Josh and Rachel accompany Erwin Springer back to the American Revolution in "The Day Independence Came." While learning such necessary skills of the period such as horseback riding and swimming, we discuss time travel, Mr. Whitaker's physiognomy, and the uneasy relationship between patriotism, politics, and Christianit... more
Welcome to Season Two! Josh and Rachel dive into the second Odyssey album, The Wildest Summer Ever, with a two-part episode that introduces that beloved, all-American family, the Barclays. Along their journey we discuss epic make-believe games, and roadside serial killers, and the many voices of Mary Barclay.This epis... more
Hello everyone!We are sliding in just before the end of the year for a state-of-the-union on the podcast and episodes from album one, "The Adventure Begins." Also outtakes.Thank you all so much for listening this year, and we will be back in early 2021.. Happy New Year!If you'd like to get in touch with us, send us ... more
It’s the end of the album as we know it, but we feel fine. Join Josh and Rachel as they wrap up “The Adventure Begins” by critiquing the AIO episode, “A Change of Hart.” Along the way they discuss showing, not telling, bad hairstyles, and middle school social structures.This episode is sponsored in part by Audible. C... more
On this week's Return to Odyssey, Josh and Rachel tackle the first real "back story" episode of Adventures in Odyssey, "Recollections." In our reminiscences, we discuss fun character names, video arcades, and kidney disease.This episode is brought to you in part by Audible. Visit to ge... more
Hey! We haven't disappeared. This week, we have a two-parter, which hopefully will make up for the wait. Josh and Rachel pull apart "A Member of the Family," parts one and two. Along the way, we discuss alternate universes, baseball as an icon of wholesome boyhood, and the philosophy of child discipline.If you'd like... more
Josh and Rachel discuss Episode 8 of The Adventure Begins: "The Tangled Web," another experiment in the story-within-a story format. We discuss the benefits of eating oatmeal and other foods along with your kids, G.K. Chesterton makes an appearance, and we geek out about the compelling and uncommon use of silence in an... more
Thanks for joining us once again! Today, we're halfway through "The Adventure Begins," discussing the Odyssey episode "Nothing to Fear." Along the way, topics of conversation include rodent leashes, horror movie theme music, and the ambiguous ages of these child characters.If you'd like to listen along with us, you ca... more
Hey, we're back!This week, Josh and Rachel bring you another Connie Kendall episode titled "Promises Promises," which explores the reality of sin nature and still manages to be a lighthearted romp. We delve into airport panhandlers, classic riddles, and the importance of the gospel for Christians as well as those not ... more
Hi Everyone!We recently collaborated with Lee Acim of AIO Audio News to review the episode "Light's Out at Whit's End."Check it out here:
They can't all be winners, we suppose. In this episode, Josh and Rachel encounter the first Odyssey episode they've truly disliked, "The Day After Christmas." Along the way they discuss toy fads from the '80s, the danger of stereotypes, and the importance of character motivation.If you'd like to listen along with us, ... more
Thanks for your patience, everyone. We had a crazy couple weeks. But, we're back to critique another episode: "Gifts for Mage and Guy," a personal favorite in both Josh and Rachel's memory. Will it stand the test of time? Subjects covered include principles of comedy writing, hastily abandoned characters, and discrepan... more
Welcome back!In this episode, Josh and Rachel look at "Connie Comes to Town," the beloved teenager's introduction to the series. They explore a wacky fan theory involving an elephant puppet, learn what the minimum wage was in 1987, and discuss how characters evolve over the course of a series. Don't forget, if you'd ... more
It's episode two! To listen along with us, you can purchase the album through our affiliate link: The Adventure Begins: The Early Classics (Adventures in Odyssey Golden Audio Series No. 1)We're still working through The Adventure Begins. Josh and Rachel analyze "The Life of the Party." Subjects touched on include the ... more
Welcome to the inaugural episode!Josh and Rachel talk about their memories of Adventures in Odyssey and why they started this podcast before diving in to episode 1, Whit's Flop, from the album The Adventure Begins.Along the way, they cover sketch comedy, training montages, and the many voice talents of Hal Smith.Art... more