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43- Rocking LUCK

43- Rocking LUCK

Released Sunday, 27th September 2020
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43- Rocking LUCK

43- Rocking LUCK

43- Rocking LUCK

43- Rocking LUCK

Sunday, 27th September 2020
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LUCK.  Are you superstitious? Do you feel lucky? All about LUCK today on the show, so let's rock:

1: Let's Rock with Amy: I update the love letter and get vulnerable as I read mine; answer a listener question about friends who are in a negative space; and delve into what I learned about luck this week! Does it exist? I consider myself lucky-- what can we learn from that in itself? Don't forget that my FREE meditation is still available, too! Access that and other free stuff HERE!

2: Go Aff Yourself (20:33) with Affirmation Maven Jill Faulkner of stickwithit.co: Do we believe in luck? Do we have superstitions (spoiler alert:yes)? Where does divine guidance fit in? And what if what we consider lucky is simply a wink from the universe? Is it too much pressure to ‘make one’s own luck’? So many questions in the Go Aff discussion today, even our week’s Aff, which is: How Lucky Am I?

3: BYOBBB (38:43) Build Your Own Brand, Biz + Brain with Bijou Finney: Believing in ability vs luck; Do people who view things as out of their control do as well as others who view themselves as in control?; Is keeping a wish a secret a good thing, if words hold power?; What is fantasy and what is real, anyway?; Case studies in her business; love yourself and be prepared for opportunities; and the origin of the harder we work, the luckier we get. Don't forget, too, you can still access our free pdf that can help you with your core brand values!

Please rate, review, and subscribe! For the references in today's episode, go to amyedwards.com/blog for links and more that are referenced in the show, and to sign up for the newsletter!

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