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45- Rocking Our SHADOW

45- Rocking Our SHADOW

Released Sunday, 1st November 2020
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45- Rocking Our SHADOW

45- Rocking Our SHADOW

45- Rocking Our SHADOW

45- Rocking Our SHADOW

Sunday, 1st November 2020
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SHADOW.  What aspects of ourselves are we loathe to admit, acknowledge, be conscious of, and ... dare I say... LOVE? Can we love our shadow aspects? Let's rock this:

1: Let's Rock with Amy: I get real about delving into my own shadow and the complicated nature of figuring out just what the truth is there, and some practical ways of figuring that out for ourselves; the power of community and knowing we are not alone; and the beauty of accepting and loving our WHOLE selves! Find my Shadow Work PDF here, and my Instagram Live meditations every Wednesday at 9am!

2: (14:41) Go Aff Yourself with Affirmation Maven Jill Faulkner of stickwithit.co: I talk about what came up for me with shadow post meditation; should we love our shadow or let it go?; loving the whole; the conditioning to beat ourselves up; ruminating and sitting with the shadow; suppression of darker emotions; detachment from the shadow if it doesn’t go away; removing worry and concern about what others think; and this week’s Aff is: I Am Aware of All Parts of Me.

3: (35:06) BYOBBB- Build Your Own Brand, Biz + Brain with Bijou Finney: The shadow in business; the struggle between profit and what is right and how that can cause the shadow to emerge in business; the dark things that can get into the back of your mind and cause your passion to subconsciously decline; tips for cultivating accountability and understanding in your business; the power of community in shadow work; doing one hard thing for yourself every day. Don't forget, too, you can still access our free pdf that can help you with your core brand values!

Please rate, review, and subscribe! For the references in today's episode, go to amyedwards.com/blog for links and more that are referenced in the show, and to sign up for the newsletter!

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