SHADOW. What aspects of ourselves are we loathe to admit, acknowledge, be conscious of, and ... dare I say... LOVE? Can we love our shadow aspects? Let's rock this: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: I get real about delving into my own shadow and the complicated nature of figuring out just what the truth is there, and some prac... more
VULNERABILITY. Ooh! It feels vulnerable just writing that! Ready to get vulnerable together? So are we! Let's rock this: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: I have some real vulnerability come up around this very show and my work, and also in life. I talk about all that and I have one practical, simple strategy and practice for d... more
LUCK. Are you superstitious? Do you feel lucky? All about LUCK today on the show, so let's rock: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: I update the love letter and get vulnerable as I read mine; answer a listener question about friends who are in a negative space; and delve into what I learned about luck this week! Does it exist? I... more
It's a special roundtable this week with Amy, Jill and Bijou to discuss LOVE. A must listen. Value, Lovability, Unconditionality, Darkness and Light, Labels, Falling back in love with your brand, and so much more packed in this discussion! And this week's Aff is: I Am Love. I Am Loved. Find the workshop creator Amy tal... more
INTENTION. Overthinking? Anxious? Or simply can't find your intention? We are on it this week! Let's rock: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: I overthought intention this week. I got all crazy with what I should say and had to come back to something simple, and I share just that, along with something that I was worried about, mi... more
RENEWAL. Renewal comes in all sizes... extra large to tiny! No matter what, though, it's about change. And that can bring up a lot. So let's rock: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: I had a birthday and that and a few other items are what brought up renewal for me. It's con nected to root chakra, so let's dive into that and talk... more
LEADERSHIP. What does leadership trigger in you? I know it triggered some things in me... so let's rock this: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: This week was interesting for me, as leadership is not something I have ever focused on. all the segments touch on the qualities that make a leader, and I looked and smaller ways that w... more
OPTIMISM. Ready to slip on your rose-colored glasses? Seems like a weird time to do it, but let's give it a shot, anyway! Let's rock: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: Optimism has ups and downs, but focusing on it this week gave me a lot of clarity on practices to regain it when it fades. I felt particularly down early in the ... more
COMPARISON. We all do it. And it's not good for us, unless we can use it as inspiration. But what about the times that we don't? Let's get into it: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: I get real about comparison and it ain't pretty. I have done it and still do, and I am grateful to have had something some up this week that challe... more
HOPE. I am hopeful about the future, and this about that in my intro, and the changes that are coming soon! Here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: Well, this week basically changes my entire outlook and attitude toward hope! I have started to realize that hope is foundational in all the a... more
RECEIVING. We can all have some unpacking to do when it comes to aloowing ourselves the space and openness to receive! Here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Let's Rock with Amy: I have been working on receiving all my life, but I have viewed myself as worthy of it only in how much I give, I think. I look at my love language... more
UNPREPAREDNESS. Does the thought of being unprepared trigger anything in you? It does for me. Let's dive into that. Here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: I confess that I was unprepared this week, and we look at how we truly are unprepared for the unpredictability and chaos that is life. But upon cl... more
FREEDOM. This one has a lot of meanings! So let's get to it. Here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: I acknowledge that we have a lot going on in this country and touch on listening to this speech by Frederick Douglass on American slavery and freedom this July 4th. I move to another thought on freedom... more
VOICE. The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: This week, we talk one of the subjects that is most important to me. Voice. Voice is hugely crucial to my life, and I cover the myriad of ways I see it and how it has developed and grown stronger as I have grown older... more
DECISIONS, DECISIONS! Are you ready to rock your decisions and make them more powerful? Me too! The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: I made a BIG decision this week. Listen for what that is and what I learned! i also touch on the power of intention in decision-m... more
VITALITY... let's breathe more vitality in all we do this week! The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: I talk about last week's affirmations and adding Black Lives Matter as one and what that can mean to us; I also tell my Kambô journey and talk about how i work t... more
WORTH. Whether it's your own worth, our work's worth, or the worth of the lives of others, it matters, and let's get into rocking it this week. The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: This week I cover Black Lives Matter and a few resources to further educate ourse... more
BELIEF. Hoo boy... this one always proves to be tough for me! So all the more reason to dive in to what it truly means to believe. I took it to heart this week and put in the work to lean in and really find out what I needed to learn about belief. The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Ro... more
ACTION! Everybody wants action, right? But... which direction do we go? And are we taking the right action? How do we know? All this and lots more this week on Rock Your Life! The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: While later in the episide we talk about lining o... more
ROUTINE. What's sexy about routine? Well, while we agree that it might not be the sexiest topic, it's got it's own charm. It doesn't have to mean a rut, or drudgery. Let's dive in and see what we can rock about our routines. The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: ... more
SURRENDER. Surrendering to what life is showing us is way different than giving up. What does it mean, and how can we embrace more surrender, you ask? We got you this week! The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: This week, I get real about the things that I truly ... more
POWER. How do we look at all the different facets of power, and what it means to us? From the control aspect, to giving it away to others, to specific ways to project it into the future, we got you this week with power! The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: I hav... more
COMFORT ZONE.Uncomfortable in your comfy space? That’s what it’s all about, as this week we get into what rocks our comfort zone! How can we see that we've gotten out of it when we don't have perspective? Also, we find some practical ways to get out of it in quarantine, and more. The podcast is in four segments, and he... more
VIBES! This week we work on raising our vibrations and what that means from an energetic standpoint and how we can go about doing so, from the practical everyday strategies to the deep work that lies in our subconscious. The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: How ... more
What a time to focus on GRATITUDE, huh? These weeks during the pandemic prove to be an excellent time to learn when we focus, so this week was really fun to develop new ways of finding gratitude. The podcast is in four segments, and here’s this week’s breakdown: 1: Rock Your Life with Amy: I found myself wondering abou... more