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E48. Kathryn Keating of RenewBluSurf: Saving The Oceans For A Cleaner and Safer Surf

E48. Kathryn Keating of RenewBluSurf: Saving The Oceans For A Cleaner and Safer Surf

Released Monday, 28th February 2022
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E48. Kathryn Keating of RenewBluSurf: Saving The Oceans For A Cleaner and Safer Surf

E48. Kathryn Keating of RenewBluSurf: Saving The Oceans For A Cleaner and Safer Surf

E48. Kathryn Keating of RenewBluSurf: Saving The Oceans For A Cleaner and Safer Surf

E48. Kathryn Keating of RenewBluSurf: Saving The Oceans For A Cleaner and Safer Surf

Monday, 28th February 2022
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The waves are our home… and it’s in danger. Ocean plastics and unsustainable industries threaten the world we live in, not only our oceans. In this episode, we meet Kathryn Keating, the woman behind RenewBluSurf, promoting and maintaining clean ocean waters and a healthy coastal environment one surf product at a time.

Living on Long Beach Island, Kathryn Keating formed an early and deep love for the ocean and the coastal environment. From sunrise walks to waiting for the right wave, she noticed the impacts of humankind on the beaches. Following her passion, she co-founded RenewBluSurf to offer 100% eco-friendly products to surfers, teach the community on the effects they have and give back through profit-sharing with a local ocean-based foundation.

Social Media Profiles:

Podcast Questions:

  • Tell me a little about your background.
  • What is it like not being in school?
  • How did you come up with the idea for RenewBluSurf?
  • Tell me about your products—what is it made of, how they are produced.
  • How do you find products?
  • How do people find out about your company?
  • I like the idea of the surf box, are you going to continue?
  • What is Alliance for a Living Ocean?
  • What was your first surfboard?
  • What was your best wave?
  • If you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would it be?
  • Any departing comments?

Location: Long Beach Island, NJ

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This podcast is produced by Derek Dodds, founder of Wave Tribe and lover of the sea.

For more info, email [email protected]


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