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Benjamin Franklin, Parlor Tricks, and the Future, With C-Motive CEO Matt Maroon

Benjamin Franklin, Parlor Tricks, and the Future, With C-Motive CEO Matt Maroon

Released Friday, 12th May 2023
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Benjamin Franklin, Parlor Tricks, and the Future, With C-Motive CEO Matt Maroon

Benjamin Franklin, Parlor Tricks, and the Future, With C-Motive CEO Matt Maroon

Benjamin Franklin, Parlor Tricks, and the Future, With C-Motive CEO Matt Maroon

Benjamin Franklin, Parlor Tricks, and the Future, With C-Motive CEO Matt Maroon

Friday, 12th May 2023
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What do Benjamin Franklin's 18th century parlor tricks have to do with cutting edge manufacturing in the 2030s? If you believe C-Motive CEO Matt Maroon, the answer could be: everything! Find out how modern material science could take Ben Franklin's machines from the era of wood and fur and into the future, as Matt and Jo discuss Franlinic machines with C-Motive brand manager, Rachel Hoppe.

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