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Entity SEO - being a topical authority is key - with Anthony Barone

Entity SEO - being a topical authority is key - with Anthony Barone

Released Thursday, 8th February 2024
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Entity SEO - being a topical authority is key - with Anthony Barone

Entity SEO - being a topical authority is key - with Anthony Barone

Entity SEO - being a topical authority is key - with Anthony Barone

Entity SEO - being a topical authority is key - with Anthony Barone

Thursday, 8th February 2024
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Anthony Barone and David Bain discuss how being a topical authority is key to your entity SEO.

Discussion points include:

How do you ensure that you create a comprehensive online version of an entity?

Where do you include the information?

What do you include?

How do you hone your entity to appeal to your target user?

How do you measure the impact of creating a comprehensive online entity?

How do you differentiate yourself from ChatGPT content?

How do you know that you are delivering a real and valuable answer?

What should you use ChatGPT for?

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From The Podcast

SEO in 2024

SEO is continuing to change at an alarming pace. And yet, in some sense, the principles of good SEO remain the same.Hello, and welcome to SEO in 2024 – a significant repository of current thinking from many of the world’s leading SEOs.We're pleased to be able to welcome you to the third book and third series in this podcast, now well and truly an annual tradition, brought to you by Majestic.“This is the most actionable book in SEO! A must-read to go through the top tips for the year.”ALEYDA SOLISSEO Consultant & Founder, Orainti“There is NO better resource for the latest up-to-date (and ahead-of-the-curve) SEO advice than this book series! Don't start your new year without this book!”PAM AUNGST CRONINPresident, Pam Ann Marketing & Stealth Search & Analytics“This is an insanely awesome collection of tips and information from most of the top minds in digital marketing. Instead of the generic "SEO for Dummies" approach, it's real-world tactics and tips from ridiculously smart marketers, so it's a book that's literally packed with immediately actionable information that can change how you work TODAY!”GREG GIFFORDChief Operating Officer, SearchLab Digital“SEO continues to expand into an all-encompassing field that touches all aspects of marketing, technology, communication, branding, psychology, and more. That's a vast field - and one that's increasingly hard to keep up with.”JONO ALDERSONIndependent Technical SEO Consultant“Few other works encapsulate the newest, cutting-edge advice from venerable titans of SEO. There are always goodies weaved throughout, if you read nothing else - read this.”NIK RANGERSenior Technical SEO, Dejan Marketing

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