Imagine needing heart bypass surgery. When meeting your surgeon, you ask, “How many of these have you done?” He smiles and says, “You’re my very first patient!” Would you feel honored—or anxious? For important jobs, we know qualifications matter. And what job could be more important than sharing the good news of salvat... more
In 2009, Facebook introduced the “like” button, and Twitter added the “retweet” feature. It is easy to think that the more people like us, the more successful our lives must be. Likewise, it is easy to believe the more people like a church, the more successful it is. But popularity does not equal success. While the gos... more
Sharing important information can feel discouraging when someone refuses to listen or rejects what you’re saying—especially when it’s the gospel. We share the good news because we want others to know Christ’s love. When people show disinterest in God’s Word, it can feel like failure. Here’s this week’s epiphany: reject... more
When God says “no” to a request, it’s easy to feel we’re getting less than we wanted. However, we need to see the bigger picture: God always wants more for us than we want from Him. If He said “yes” to everything we ask, it might lead to less joy, fewer blessings, and a diminished life. God’s “no” is not about withhold... more
“Who is Jesus?” Many people initially answered, “Mary and Joseph’s son” or “a carpenter from Nazareth.” While true, these descriptions fall short. At Jesus’ baptism, God the Father revealed his true identity: Jesus is the dearly loved Son of God, chosen to be the Savior of the world. Now consider the question, “Who are... more
Waiting is always hard, especially when what you're waiting for is very important. Waiting an hour for your food at a restaurant isn’t a big deal, but waiting a week for an electrician to restore your power is much harder. The more we need something, the harder it is to wait. After the fall into sin, God’s people waite... more
The Son of God took on flesh for two reasons: to be our substitute and our sacrifice. You see, when God created mankind in his image, he desired that we live holy lives full of love for him and our fellow man. When mankind fell into sin, that became impossible. So, the heavenly Father sent Jesus. He is the only human b... more
By this time of the holiday season, people are often weighted down. They feel guilty about presents that are not perfect, parties that did not go as planned, or year-end projects that did not get completed. To top it all off now is when it dawns on people how little attention they have given to the spiritual preparatio... more
Multiple studies have proven that the holiday season exacerbates mental health issues. The pressure to have “a perfect Christmas” can be overwhelming for some. For others, their loneliness is amplified. Such people need a real Christmas, one that results in great joy. But joy is not the same thing as happiness. It is i... more
The closer we get to Christmas, the greater the pressure. There is so much work to be done! We want our houses to look good for out-of-town guests. We want to impress people with the thoughtfulness of our gifts. What a welcome relief, therefore, to hear what is required to be ready for Christmas: only repentance. You s... more
It is easy to get so caught up in the imagery—a tiny newborn baby lying in the straw-filled manger under a star-filled sky—that we forget the why. Why did the Son of God come into our world and take on human flesh? So that he might die as the sacrifice for our sins. One Christmas carol puts it this way. “Neither crib n... more
“Eyes on the prize.” That axiom stresses that when pursuing a good goal, focus is important. You don’t want distractions or a lack of self-discipline to keep you from obtaining whatever that prize might be. “Eyes on the prize.” You summon the willpower to fixate on that good thing. You let nothing divert your attention... more
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) affects many millions of adults. It is more than shyness. SAD includes an acute fear of being judged. An individual with SAD struggles with everyday tasks like talking to people at work or school because he is terrified that he is constantly being evaluated. Even if you don’t have that dis... more
Perhaps you have heard the axiom, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” In other words, while you still can, use what you have in order to enjoy life to the fullest. If this life is all there is, St. Paul agrees that would be a good philosophy. Paul wrote, “If the dead are not raised, ‘Let us eat and drink, ... more
“It will get better.” We say that to try to comfort someone having a bad day (or maybe a whole string of bad days). Perhaps tomorrow will be better. But perhaps it’s worse. In this life, there are no guarantees that things will improve. That isn’t the case with the life that is to come. That life isn’t just going to be... more
Jesus repeatedly told his followers that living as his disciples would bring hardship. Living according to God’s Law will make one appear odd in the eyes of the world, perhaps even evil. Sharing a message of mankind’s sin and God’s gracious salvation can cause offense. So why not just stay silent if that makes life eas... more
“What’s in it for me?” It’s easy to look at life through the lens of that question to make decisions based on perceived personal benefit. Perhaps we look at Christianity through that lens at times, wondering what we will gain from following Christ. “What’s in it for me?” Jesus first disciples asked that question. They ... more
People think that establishing priorities is about ranking things in order of importance. But it is more than that. We do not have unlimited time and energy. So, establishing priorities enables us to say “no” to things that might be good yet not truly important. Without proper priorities, one will inevitably pursue wha... more
Love can cause harm. Consider the wife whose husband wants little to do with church. She loves him and does not want to upset him. So, when her husband wants her and the children to stay home Sunday morning, she complies without protest. That wife’s love for her husband hurts him, her children, and herself. Or consider... more
Green Berets. Rangers. SEALs. Delta Force. These special forces groups are part of the United States military. They are elite: highly trained with unique skill sets. Many of their important missions are carried out in total secrecy. Two weeks ago, we acknowledged that we are in the middle of a massive spiritual war. To... more
Humility and pride are polar opposites. Pride exalts self at the expense of God and others. Humility exalts God and others at the expense of self. Pride is the essential vice, for it increases one’s hunger for all other sins. Humility increases one’s hunger for the forgiveness and healing found in Christ. The one who i... more
What is the worst war in human history? One might point to World War II, which had the highest death toll of at least 90 million people. Or consider the Three Kingdoms War, which not only resulted in over 40 million deaths but also lasted for most of the third century. There is no end to the sad list of nominations: th... more
Power is neither inherently good nor bad. Fire is powerful. The chef uses fire to create meals. But the arsonist uses fire to destroy homes. Nuclear fission is a powerful force. The engineer harnesses it, producing abundant electricity. The tyrant harnesses it, threatening others with nuclear weapons. What matters is t... more
A loving father gives his son and daughter a list of rules and regulations. Chores, curfews, civilities, dress code—the father makes his will clearly known. The son strives to follow the rules for two reasons. 1) He wants to get his allowance. 2) He is afraid that if he breaks the rules, his father will punish him. The... more
As Jesus concluded his Bread of Life discourse, many said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” and walked away. Read carefully. They did not say the teaching was hard to understand. The meaning was clear enough. Jesus was teaching that the only chance to enjoy eternity in heaven is through a close connection ... more