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SETki Inspiracji

SETki Inspiracji

SETki Inspiracji

An Education podcast

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SETki Inspiracji

SETki Inspiracji

SETki Inspiracji

SETki Inspiracji

SETki Inspiracji

SETki Inspiracji

An Education podcast
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Busines Trainer | Book Author | Game Designer | Host of 2 PodcastsEXPERIENCED BUSINESS TRAINER He has been conducting training courses for 17 years. During this time, he helped over 7,000 people develop personal and managerial skills. His work was highly appreciated by companies such as Volkswagen, IBM, Bayer, and Samsung. He is an Evidence-Based trainer, which means that he refers to specific scientific research during training, presenting reliable, proven knowledge. He teaches through experience. In training, he uses engaging exercises and training games, thanks to which the participants experience the presented issues first hand. The trainees draw conclusions on their own and think about how to implement newly learned solutions. As a result, they understand and remember the techniques and fundamental principles of the training much better.He creates unique educational tools. In his training courses, he uses original training games, often designed specifically for the needs of the organization. As a result, his workshops are always fresh and exciting because participants encounter a given exercise/game for the first time.He has been teaching via Internet since 2011 – by designing original e-learning courses: Read123, Remember123, Inner Strength and by conducting engaging online training courses and webinars. Privately:He is a husband to one and the father of four: Aria, Tadzio, Aurora, and Tymek.He loves games: board (chess, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders), card (poker Texas Holdem No Limit, bridge), and computer games (The Witcher, Hearthstone, Gwent. Legends of Runeterra).He listens to a lot of podcasts, audiobooks or read books on business and fantasy.He is an incurable optimist, believing that everything will turn out well, even on the brink of disaster.

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