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Shaping the Future by Regent Street

Regent Street

Shaping the Future by Regent Street

A Society, Culture and Arts podcast featuring Elizabeth Day

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Shaping the Future by Regent Street

Regent Street

Shaping the Future by Regent Street

Shaping the Future by Regent Street

Regent Street

Shaping the Future by Regent Street

A Society, Culture and Arts podcast featuring Elizabeth Day
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For our final episode, Elizabeth delves into building places of our future. From creating a sense of occasion, to sensory experiences and the impact of wildlife, sustainability and accessibility, this episode shines a light on the cultural and
With some of the most exciting and creative innovations shaping the future of beauty across the world, this week Elizabeth and guests Funmi Fetto and Sasha Sabapathy delve into the path that lies ahead. Drawing on their extensive backgrounds an
This week Elizabeth and guests, Louise Watkins, the head of Sector Retail for Microsoft, Paul Noble, co-founder and creative director of Spiritland and Alex Sbardella, from trends and insights consultancy GDR Creative Intelligence, discuss what
To mark the iconic moment when the Regent Street Christmas lights will be switched on next Thursday 14th November, Elizabeth Day chats to the mastermind behind the iconic Spirits that soar down the street. Paul Dart from James Glancy Designs ta
Sustainability and Fashion - a duo currently tearing up old practises and carving a new path into the future. In this episode, Elizabeth champions trailblazing guests and brands who are leading the way in the fashion and textiles industry. Eli
Celebrations and festivals make up a cornerstone in human history and are used to mark momentous occasions, or as is the case with the guest and celebration today, to effect massive, positive change. Alison Camps is the co-chair of Pride In Lon
When built, Regent Street was the original purpose-built shopping street for the capital and over 200 years it has grown into a world-renowned destination that is known for its world-class shopping. Today, Regent Street is home to a host of pre
With leggings and spin classes taking the place of cosmos and nightclubs, it's safe to say that wellness has taken the world by storm. This week, Elizabeth talks to wellness expert and founder of Well to Do Lauren Armes, Editor-in-Chief of the
The evolution of our retail experience has been largely shaped by the introduction of technology as retailers have adopted the ease and accessibility that this has brought to the industry. So, what does the future have in store? Kick-starting t
With sustainability at the forefront of our minds and one in three of all food produced globally going to waste, understanding how to prevent food waste is more important than ever before. Regent Street & St James's are leading the charge in th
Launched to celebrate Regent Street’s 200th anniversary year, Shaping The Future is a cultural podcast brought to you directly from this iconic London street that has hosted and helped shaped so many of the cultural milestones over the years. T
Launched to celebrate Regent Street’s 200th anniversary year, Shaping The Future is a cultural podcast brought to you directly from this iconic London street that has hosted and helped shaped so many of the cultural milestones over the years. T
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