The opposite of anxiety is presence. I just learned that from a generous man who showed up and listened to me. Here's a way to calm your anxious mind. xoKC
You don't need to know Sanskrit or worship ancient gods to do yoga. You can just stretch out and and feel loved and connected any old way you want to. Bring any faith or no faith onto the mat with you. Yoga is what you make it...and you can
Generosity can change the world one potato at a time. Meet the artist who is feeding her neighbors and learning how to farm. And...move forward with YOUR ideas to change the world too.
Jeralynn Glass is an acclaimed singer who help to heal her grief with the science of crystal cadence and singing bowls. Now, she's coming to the Hudson Valley to teach us how to heal too.
If our thoughts and words have that energy stored somewhere? Is there a record of it? Can you access that record? Amy Robeson finds healing in the Akashic Records. Thanks for listening.
Meet an artist and athlete who can teach us how to embrace life and live well.Find a healing bonfire for our bravest veterans. Thanks for listening to Shine On.
Are you thoughts intrusive? Could it be obsessive compulsive disorder. Natasha Daniels is an expert who specializes in helping kids with OCD. So much to learn!
"Everyone is looking for a miracle. Everyone's got a story to tell." Listen in as a young man with great faith climbs a hill to feel God's love. DM Matt for a copy of his story on IG @NieminskiM1