The hosts seem like nice people but this is the shipwreck equivalent of three guys who know nothing about filmmaking/haven't watched many movies doing a "bad movie" podcast. The pilot features an extended bit about how they have next to no knowledge of the time periods most notable shipwrecks take place in, nor basic knowledge of sailing/steam ships. Jumping ahead a few dozen episodes, they somehow have gotten into a rut of talking *less* about ship disasters than the pilot in which a river boat simply capsized in the Chicago river. Shipwrecks are baby's first hyperfixation for a lot of people. There's hundreds of the things to discuss at length with detailed documentation available. Anyone who actively wants a podcast about the shipwrecks not commonly covered (good on SHtF for recognizing they're not ready to discuss Titanic in a unique way) is going to walk away unfulfilled by this. The details occasionally get into juicy specifics but most of the time there's a surface-level Wikipedia scent to the info brought to the table. It is WILD this was picked up by Rooster Teeth.The fact the logo sports the show's tagline of the podcast being about the shipping industry's biggest "uh-ohs and whoopsies" really broadcasts the vibe. If you're in the mood for Diet McElroy brothers, this might be the show for you.For people who actively care about good, detailed shipwreck content from the kind of people who'll discuss The Content at length, basically any ship episode of Well There's Your Problem will get you there.