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You Have Been Told A Lie Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

You Have Been Told A Lie Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

Released Friday, 30th June 2023
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You Have Been Told A Lie Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

You Have Been Told A Lie Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

You Have Been Told A Lie Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

You Have Been Told A Lie Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

Friday, 30th June 2023
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Everything is riding on the 2022 federal election. The LNP have held firm that the Nadesalingams would not be returning to Biloela, and no special visa would be granted to them, but the Labor Party has made an election promise to return them to Biloela if they are elected. How did this one family become an election talking point in 2022? 

We find out if four years of campaigning to bring this family back to Biloela is actually changing the way people vote. And we join the campaign team as they make a final push to get people to preference Labor over LNP for this one family.

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