We continue Chinese history chronologically with Qin state trying to sabotage the peace process and Jin State seize the opportunity to crush their long term rivalMy Twitter acct CarlZha had been hacked! hacker tweeting out 10 laptop scam. Don't fall for it!!! my new Twitter acct RealCarlZha had been suspended for im... more
I talk to @ZoeDiscovers , a British woman running guided tours into DPRK aka North Korea about her experienceIf you'd like to support the channel / 如果你想支持我的频道:☕ Buy us a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carlzha8🅿️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/silknsteel💳 PAYPAL DONATIONS: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme... more
I talk to German investigative journalist Dirk Pohlmann on the Drik Pollmann Show on TNT Radio about current US-China tension over TaiwanIf you'd like to support the channel / 如果你想支持我的频道:☕ Buy us a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carlzha8🅿️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/silknsteel💳 PAYPAL DONATIONS: htt... more
I speak to Taiwanese American Xiangyu who was drafted by Taiwan government for military service because he stayed in Taiwan for more than a year. He is currently serving substitute service in Taiwan. I talk to him about his experienceIf you'd like to support the channel / 如果你想支持我的频道:☕ Buy us a coffee: https://www.b... more
I talk to Justin Podur of the Anti-Empire Project about latest round of Canadian witch hunt over so called Chinese interference or how US dominated 5 eye intelligence agencies keep everyone inline and all aboard the China war wagonIf you'd like to support the channel / 如果你想支持我的频道:☕ Buy us a coffee: https://www.buym... more
We continue Chinese history chronologically into Spring and Autumn period. Peace breaks out between two East Asian superpower Jin and Chu state in 579 BCE. Strategic lessons from ancient China that's relevant to modern geopolitical realitiesIf you like this why not subscribe to get access to full episode and more pr... more
I spoke to returning guest Dana Burton about Malcolm X and his connection to China.My previous interview with Dana Burton about his life living in China as a Black man and promoting Hip Hop:
This is a 20+ min preview of Silk and Steel Podcast EP#161-Golden Triangle Opium Series Part 8 French Indochina Connection where we continue Golden Triange Opium Series with Davide Melia by looking at the French colonial history and its impact on Opium trade on the east part of the Golden Triangle: Vietnam and Laos... more
#ChineseFood #ChineseFoodHistory #Dumpling #NoodleI spoke to Professor Miranda Brown' from University of Michigan about the history of Chinese food!Professor Miranda Brown's Food Blog:https://www.chinesefoodhistory.org/post/dumpling-therapyhttps://www.chinesefoodhistory.org/post/the-great-noodle-debateProfessor Br... more
#Myanmar #AungSanSuuKyi #BRII talk to Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan on Fault Line Radio on Radio Sputnik about Myanmar military junta sentencing Aung San Suu Kyi in the context of US geopolitical competition with China
I joined Radio Sputnik Fault Line with Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan to talk about various stories from China, as Gen. Milley fears a 'Sputnik' moment from hypersonic weapons.
I talk to Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan of Fault Line on Radio Sputnik about latest US drumming for war over TaiwanSupport Silk and Steel Podcast on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/silknsteel
Playlist of All Taiwan History Series Episodes:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UvpTIIce0w&list=PLaUg2PM1J5b02n5Xy2zPnn2A5JaRqr_rC&t=0sIn the final episode of Silk and Steel Taiwan Political History, I talked to Taiwanese Communist Rapper Xiangyu about Taiwan from mid 2000s to 2020 under alternate ruling party of DPP... more
We continue our Taiwan political history series w Taiwanese Communist Rapper Xiangyu. In Part 2, we cover the era from Japanese Colonial Rule to Post WW2 hand over.
I brought back returning guest Taiwanese Communist Rapper Xiangyu to talk about political history of Taiwan. In part 1 we covered from prehistoric time to eve of Japanese colonization
This is 1st time I interviewed a direct descendant of Genghis Khan on the Silk and Steel Podcast. Gordon Gao, an ethnic Mongol born and raised in Xinjiang tells his family history in Xinjiang thru Cultural Revolution and Sino-Soviet border conflict. We also discuss the implementation of China's 1 child policy for Han C... more
For non-subscribers, here is a 20 minute preview of Silk and Steel Podcast EP123-Hong Kong and Xinjiang with Timppa Part 2:Xinjiang where I talked to Timppa, an ethnic Keralian born in former Soviet Union who had worked in Hong Kong and visited Xinjiang about his experience in XinjiangWould you like to know more? Sub... more
I interviewed Timppa, an ethnic Keralian born in former Soviet Union who had worked in Hong Kong and visited Xinjiang about his experience in both placesTo support Silk and Steel Podcast, subscribe to our Patreon page:patreon.com/silknsteel
I talk to returning guest Davide Melia about history of Opium Trade and its legacy in China and Myanmar and impact on China Myanmar relations. This is part 1 of the seriesDavide has his own Patreon site South-West China with Davide Melia where he documents his life in Yunnan, China near Myanmar Border