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4 steps to creating a modern digital marketing strategy with Creative Bloom | Ep#31

4 steps to creating a modern digital marketing strategy with Creative Bloom | Ep#31

Released Sunday, 19th January 2020
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4 steps to creating a modern digital marketing strategy with Creative Bloom | Ep#31

4 steps to creating a modern digital marketing strategy with Creative Bloom | Ep#31

4 steps to creating a modern digital marketing strategy with Creative Bloom | Ep#31

4 steps to creating a modern digital marketing strategy with Creative Bloom | Ep#31

Sunday, 19th January 2020
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Following the success of last year’s ‘Local SEO’ podcast, Kerry is joined once again by Stuart Davies from Creative Bloom. This time, to give you the low-down on how to create and implement a truly modern digital marketing strategy - incorporating your website and social channels.

Kerry and Stuart talk about how organisations can update their marketing plans to incorporate new channels and techniques; how to take advantage of new technologies using the 70:20:10 rule; and how to become more agile. 

They discuss the importance of diagnosing before strategising, why accountability needs to be baked into the strategy, and how consultants can help. Listen and enjoy!



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