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My Monsters and Me

My Monsters and Me

Released Thursday, 26th August 2021
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My Monsters and Me

My Monsters and Me

My Monsters and Me

My Monsters and Me

Thursday, 26th August 2021
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Author Matt Betts sits down with talented creators to discuss the background and inspirations behind the content that we all love.

Interview #1

Timestamp: 2 Minute Mark

Guest: Mac Gagne

Guest Website: https://adventuresandalgorithms.com

Ted Talk #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntS3o9eZHyQ

Ted Talk #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4WVeHrrScQ

Guest Bio: Madeleine Gagné is a graduated senior at Duke University and a rising Operations Research PhD student at North Carolina State University. As of this year, she's been named a 2021 Brooke Owens Fellow, and will be working as a Space Systems and Operations Research intern at Northrop Grumman during the summer. She's also an aspiring pulp and science fiction author.

Description: Cryptids and Coffee - We'll drink coffee and talk about bigfoot. Movies, books, and some of cultural touchstones of the most famous cryptid.

Interview #2

Timestamp: 19 Minute Mark

Guest: Mercedes Yardley

Guest Website: https://mercedesmyardley.com

Guest Bio: Mercedes M. Yardley is a whimsical dark fantasist who wears stilettos, red lipstick, and poisonous flowers in her hair. She is the author of many diverse works, including Beautiful Sorrows, the Stabby Award-winning Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love, Pretty Little Dead Girls: A Novel of Murder and Whimsy, Detritus in Love, and the BONE ANGEL trilogy. She recently won the prestigious Bram Stoker Award for her story Little Dead Red. Mercedes lives and creates in Las Vegas with her family and menagerie of battle-scarred, rescued animal familiars.

Mercedes is a member of the Horror Writers Association and co-chair of the Las Vegas HWA Chapter.

Explain this To Me - Discussing a few strange headlines of the day with Mercedes Yardley.

Article Links

  • Punching Octopus - https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/639172/octopuses-punch-fish-silly
  • Half Eaten Sausage - https://www.insider.com/german-police-solved-2012-case-using-dna-half-eaten-sausage-2021-3#:~:text=Police%20in%20a%20town%20in,to%20a%20man%20in%20France.&text=Schwelm%20police%20told%20the%20Guardian,consequence%20in%20the%20robbery%20case.
  • Fried Pickle Corn Dog - https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/disney-fried-pickle-corn-dog/

Interview #3

Timestamp: 31 Minute Mark

Guest: Sarah Gormley

Guest Website: https://www.sarahgormleygallery.com

Guest Bio: Sarah Gormley Gallery operates from the belief that owning original art can be a source of joy for everyone.

Founded in Spring 2019, the gallery connects emerging and established artists with first-time art buyers and long-time collectors through a shared appreciation for original art…and its power to stir us from within.

Description: Sarah Gormley Gallery - art gallery, how she picks exhibits, how the pandemic affected shows.

Host Overview

Host website: http://www.mattbetts.com

Host Bio:

Matt went to college to study communications, specializing in broadcasting. He signed on with the campus radio station as a news anchor and reporter not long after he arrived at college – before he took his first communications class, in fact. After graduation, he worked for a number of radio stations as a DJ, a reporter

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