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54. The Wax and Wane: Following the Cycles of Expansion and Contraction

54. The Wax and Wane: Following the Cycles of Expansion and Contraction

Released Saturday, 19th March 2022
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54. The Wax and Wane: Following the Cycles of Expansion and Contraction

54. The Wax and Wane: Following the Cycles of Expansion and Contraction

54. The Wax and Wane: Following the Cycles of Expansion and Contraction

54. The Wax and Wane: Following the Cycles of Expansion and Contraction

Saturday, 19th March 2022
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Let’s cycle through some methods that will allow you to:
- Sense when a period of expansion has reached its pinnacle and a recharge is needed
- Reap the most rewards from planning stages
- Find a rhythm that lets you and your team flow with the needs of each season and stage of development

When we think about expansion versus contraction, most of us are like,  “Of course we want to expand. I want to grow, I want to help more people, I want to reach more people. I want to expand my business!” Or maybe you're in a place where you want to have additional locations, or maybe you want to build a team. But the reality is - most expansion will require a level of contraction first. 

🌞  Time for refection: be aware of what cycles mean in your business. 00:52

🤔  Is it time to recharge and reassess: Stephanie's challenge this year. 03:00

🤯  Too many projects and overpromising to your clients. 04:54

🌊  The Flex Plan: Set your business plan for the slowdowns too. 06:19

🔋  Creating recharge moments before you get exhausted. 07:34

🙃  Priority lists done differently. 08:39

🤓  Getting comfortable with the cycles your business goes through. 09:48

🆚  Expansion vs contraction: Don’t be afraid of the contraction in your business. 11:42

🏆  Success is in the streamline. 13:10

💪🏾  Contraction while spreading out or distributing your work: It helps you, your business and team, even if you’re in the contraction cycle. 14:39


Thanks for listening to Spark, a podcast that aims to provide a roadmap for the vegan professional. If you are feeling inspired, but wondering how to take some actionable steps to improve your business, I invite you to explore our two premium paid podcasts, Going Solo or Fix It.

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