Joshua Leo and Liz Waid look at two men who prepared for death in unusual ways: Louis Mantin and James Bedford. our app for Android at our app for iOS at you lea... more
Colin Lowther and Liz Waid look at an intelligent and difficult animal - the Raccoon! This interesting animal adapts easily and now causes problems around the world.http://spotlightenglish.comDownload our app for Android at our app for iOS at more
What is the most peaceful country in the world? Ryan Geertsma and Robin Basselin look at the Institute for Economics and Peace, and how they measure peaceful countries.http://spotlightenglish.comDownload our app for Android at our app for iOS at more
Andrew Devis and Megan Nollet share the inspiring story of a man who chose to follow his convictions above all else. our app for Android at our app for iOS at https://www.fac... more
Joshua Leo and Christy VanArragon look at why people like to gossip and how people can stop gossip.Download our app for Android at our app for iOS at you learning English? Are you looking for a way ... more
Why is Iceland the most peaceful country in the world? Ryan Geertsma and Robin Basselin look at the lessons from Iceland’s peaceful society.Download our app for Android at our app for iOS at you lea... more
Alice Irrizary and Colin Lowther share about unique books which not only tell a story, but give clues for finding hidden treasures. our app for Android at our app for iOS at more
Alice Irrizary and Andrew Devis talk about an ancient Japanese art style and how it has influenced artists in the West. our app for Android at our app for iOS at more
Patrick Woodward and Megan Nollet talk about very unique discoveries and what they might reveal of ancient cultures. our app for Android at our app for iOS at https:/... more
Roger Basick and Alice Irrizary talk about three athletes and their individual journeys, but also how they influence and motivated each other to become top tennis players in the world. our app for Android at our app... more
Gillian Woodward and Roger Basick share about Beatrix Potter, the creator of Peter Rabbit, and events in her life that influenced her imagination and creativity. our app for Android at our app for iOS at http://... more
Andrew Devis and Alice Irrizary share about how a group of musicians from a humble background have used music to share a powerful message about their people and culture. our app for Android at our app for iOS... more
Alice Irrizary and Colin Lowther talk about how video games may help people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or with drug and alcohol addictions. our app for Android at our app for iOS at http... more
Roger Basick and Marina Santee share about the history of World Expo’s, why they were started and what they accomplished and continue to do for the world. our app for Android at more
Patrick Woodward and Megan Nollet share about Philippe Croizon and how his disabilities have not kept him from unbelievable physical and mental achievements. our app for Android at our app for... more
Megan Nollet and Andrew Devis share about video games and how they help people manage mental health. They also discuss about the possible dangers of video games. our app for Android at our app for iOS at more
Megan Nollet and Andrew Devis share about video games and how they help people manage mental health. They also discuss about the possible dangers of video games. our app for Android at our app for iOS at more
In recognition of the UN's "International Literacy Day", Liz Waid and Bruce Gulland look at how reading can help people understand each other. Can reading make us better people? our app for Android at more
When learning a new language, idioms are important but also fun to learn! Gillian Woodward and Colin Lowther tell us how the word “rain” is used with several different meanings. our app for Android at ... more
Do you practice martial arts? Andrew Devis and Megan Nollet tell about the philosophy behind the art of judo and share the amazing story of a woman who practiced and taught judo well into her 90’s. our app for Android at more
In recognition of the UN's "International Day of World's Indigenous Peoples", Bruce Gulland and Liz Waid tell about Uluru/Ayers Rock in Australia. The native people and the government both claim this special place. Who decides what happens to this rock? more
Bruce Gulland and Megan Nollet tell the story of Justine Obura and the incredible challenge and amazing success she has had in giving women living in poverty of Lake Victoria in Kenya a better life. our app for Android at more
Would you want to travel into space? Liz Waid and Adam Navis look at one of the first space tourists: Anousheh Ansari.http://spotlightenglish.comDownload our app for Android at our app for iOS at Are y... more
Patrick and Gillian Woodward share about the creators of “Godzilla” and what influenced them when they created this famous monster. our app for Android at our app for iOS at https://www.facebook.c... more
Marina Santee and Patrick Woodward share about an extreme experiment, the important discoveries that were made about the importance of human touch. our app for Android at o... more