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Scarcity, Abundance, Excess: Towards a Social Theory of Too Much

Scarcity, Abundance, Excess: Towards a Social Theory of Too Much

Released Thursday, 21st March 2013
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Scarcity, Abundance, Excess: Towards a Social Theory of Too Much

Scarcity, Abundance, Excess: Towards a Social Theory of Too Much

Scarcity, Abundance, Excess: Towards a Social Theory of Too Much

Scarcity, Abundance, Excess: Towards a Social Theory of Too Much

Thursday, 21st March 2013
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Contributor(s): Professor Andrew Abbott | This lecture argues that since excess and overabundance are central phenomena of modern life, we should refound social theory on the concept of "too much of" rather than "too little of." I trace the origin of the scarcity theories that dominate our reasoning, and sketch the outlines of a social theory based on excess. Andrew Abbott is the Gustavus F and Ann M Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology, Chicago University. Abbott's major research interests lie in the sociology of occupations, professions, and work, the sociology of culture and knowledge, and social theory. Abbott also has longstanding interests in methods, heuristics, and the philosophy and practice of sociology.

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