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'Stache My Crypto: Financial Freedom In Cryptocurrency

The 'Stache

'Stache My Crypto: Financial Freedom In Cryptocurrency

A weekly Business and Investing podcast

 2 people rated this podcast
'Stache My Crypto: Financial Freedom In Cryptocurrency

The 'Stache

'Stache My Crypto: Financial Freedom In Cryptocurrency

'Stache My Crypto: Financial Freedom In Cryptocurrency

The 'Stache

'Stache My Crypto: Financial Freedom In Cryptocurrency

A weekly Business and Investing podcast
 2 people rated this podcast
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Jun 23rd, 2020
Online marketplaces are nothing new so why does a "decentralized" market make any difference? With places like eBay and Amazon sucking up every last dollar they can from your purchases, they are also sucking up your data among other things. I talk with my guest Devin Finzer, founder of Opensea.io, a decentralized mark...
Mar 17th, 2020
In traditional investing markets the only way to truly be "included" in everything is to have a high net worth and deemed an accredited investor. One of the great things about cryptocurrency is we don't have those same kinds of exclusionary rules. Financial inclusion plays a large part of what Bitcoin is all about & I...
Feb 13th, 2020
There are few things I like talking about more than Bitcoin! I think having real world conversations with people, especially those new to cryptocurrency, has the biggest impact on changing the paradigm of "sound money". In this episode, I talk with Brandon Green from the Bitcoin 2020 Conference in San Francisco.We tal...
Nov 14th, 2019
When a new industry starts to emerge we eventually see a set of standards agreed upon by the community at large. In a similar fashion to the beginnings of the internet, cryptocurrency is ripe for industry wide standards that can push forward the ecosystem as a whole. I talk with David Gold, the CEO of Dapix which is th...
Oct 30th, 2019
Art has always been at the forefront of major movement throughout time. We explore our creativity in more and more interesting ways that helps to connect us to our surrounding world. I talk with local artist Coldie on creating art in a production environment versus expressing your freedom, how art plays a vital role in...
Sep 25th, 2019
Today I talk with Lolli CEO Alex Adelman about their Bitcoin back program, merchant adoption, passively stacking satoshis using their app, and some really cool things on the horizon for the Lolli team in terms of partnerships and more!If you are looking for a stupid simple way to earn some Bitcoin by shopping at the p...
Aug 7th, 2019
Gaming and blockchain are a match made in heaven and the potential for fully tokenized virtual worlds is practically limitless. Imagine owning an entire world that was a game server where you got passive income from sales and transactions occurring on your game world/server by other players. All made possible by the ma...
Jul 10th, 2019
In so many ways, Bitcoin has always been a political statement and a rallying call for those that see beyond the smoke and mirrors of finance and authority. That same challenge to authority is something I always loved about Rock music too, and Bitcoin certainly is a financial rock star! This week I talk with fellow cry...
Jun 19th, 2019
Gaming and blockchain are a prefect match! I have been a gamer since WAAAaay before it was cool and now that I am also in the cryptocurrency space the melding of the two makes so much sense. Gaming IS going to lead the way to mass adoption of blockchain and companies like Enjin are already ahead of the curve. I talk w...
Jun 13th, 2019
Since the inception of fiat currency there really has never been an alternative or option to using a government back currency as a medium of exchange. Thanks to cryptocurrency that is all changing. I talk with my guest Chris Karabats, aka Zaphoid about why crypto is the best form or sound money. We get into the hurdles...
May 22nd, 2019
While most people probably know a little about how Bitcoin works using "Proof of Work" (even if they don't know the term), there are some great new projects that use the Proof of Stake method. In this episode my guest Nick Saponaro from the DIVI projects talks about Masternodes and how they work in a Proof of Stake env...
May 8th, 2019
Social Media has been pushing the bounds of what we do online since its inception, and when social media meets cryptocurrency sparks of the future start flying! I talk with crypto social media platform Minds.com CEO Bill Ottman about how juggernauts like Facebook just don't care about your privacy or data security and ...
Apr 24th, 2019
Ever wanted to try your hand at mining cryptocurrency? Perhaps you just didn't know where to start? Having your own mining right can be a great passive way to earn income and in this episode I talk with avid miner Seth Estrada about how to get started mining crypto. We cover all the basics and he shares some invaluable...
Apr 17th, 2019
Have you ever been curious how the major players in cryptocurrency execute large orders? Perhaps you already know a little about Over The Counter trading, but my guest this week, Ernesto Huerta,  gives us an in-depth view to exactly how OTC trading works and the REAL reason why it's necessary. We dive into topics like ...
Apr 9th, 2019
What happens to the mainstream perception when you start incorporating art into everything crypto? How does art impact our lives inside and outside of our crypto tribalism? I talk with crypto artist Vesa about these things and SO much more on this weeks podcast. We take a look at AI in art, how he was rejected by the a...
Apr 3rd, 2019
Is crypto taking over your life? Can't stop checking the markets? Does your family think you are crazy because you use terms like FOMO, Moon, Lambo, or Rekt?? If you are having trouble balancing your crypto life with your family life then today's guest Taylor Monahan has some really great tips on how she manages being...
Mar 27th, 2019
While many of us are in the cryptocurrency world because we truly believe in the future of this technology and the impact it makes, that does not mean we don't also like a little profit too! This week I talk with my friend Kenn Bosak about passive income streams in cryptocurrency. While the term "passive" can be a bit ...
Mar 20th, 2019
In this week's episode I talk to Steve McGarry who has done just that with his businesses and he shares the importance of the audience first approach along with some tips on how to get your first 1000 followers for anything you are trying to market!One of the things I really love most about the cryptocurrency ecosyste...
Mar 13th, 2019
The notion of "crowdfunding" is still a pretty new concept and although we have seen a major shift in the way companies and startups raise funds through their followers, the benefits that cryptocurrency brings to the table are huge and will continue to push the space where it needs to go. I talk with my friend Alon Gor...
Mar 6th, 2019
If you are a long time trader of traditional assets, but are looking to make the jump over to trading cryptocurrency then this podcast is for you! I talked to my friend Matthew John from the Crypto Traders Pro community about why he made the switch from trading in traditional markets to trading full time in cryptocurre...
Feb 27th, 2019
My guest on this week's podcast is media maven and podcasting OG Travis Wright from the Bad Crypto Podcast. Travis shares some of his best tips for getting started with your OWN podcast and we talk about the issues of censorship & building your brand in podcasting and cryptocurrency.I learned so much about what it tak...
Feb 13th, 2019
In this week's episode of the 'Stache My Crypto podcast I catch up with Michael Nye who many of you may know as "Crypto Shill Nye" from twitter about his evolution in the blockchain space, gaining perspective through traveling and the value of creating community within the cryptocurrency space. Not only does he share...
Feb 6th, 2019
In this first episode of my new podcast show 'Stache My Crypto I have my good friend David Bleznak on the show. David talks about how important it is to be dynamic in the cryptocurrency development world and gives us some insight on exactly how he was able to stay afloat even in the longest Bitcoin bear market we have ...
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