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The last time we were together.......this is Finn

The last time we were together.......this is Finn

Released Friday, 22nd November 2024
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The last time we were together.......this is Finn

The last time we were together.......this is Finn

The last time we were together.......this is Finn

The last time we were together.......this is Finn

Friday, 22nd November 2024
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The Steel City Round Table podcast was the idea of two men coming from different paths and different struggles.  Kenny "Finn" Finnegan has been my brother for over 20 years.  I met him when he was a 20 yea old punk just doing 20 year old shit.  I took him under my wing being 10 years older and thinking I was wiser.  Who knew we would become friends til the end.  Finn and I came up with the idea for the SCRT after I came home from treatment.  As he would say, we needed to help others and do the selfless thing.  We argued, disagreed, fought and made up on a daily basis.  Our bond drove us forward and the SCRT was formed.  Finn also introduced me to my co-host Kelly Gibson who has become my little sister.  Unfortunately this episode is the last time I saw Finn.  On 6/1/2023 he was taken from us while riding his motorcycle, doing what he loved.  Every time I watch this episode I am overcome with the love and the loss.  I love you my brother and I miss you every day. We do this in your memory and hope you are listening. We know you are riding that HD in heaven and doing what you love.  You are missed.

We love you and there is always a seat for you at the Steel City Round Table!

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From The Podcast

Steel City Round Table Podcast

     My name is Mark Kneebone and I am a former law enforcement officer(12 years) and a recovering alcoholic with PTSD and severe depression.  I spent over three decades of my life struggling under the foot of alcoholism and undiagnosed mental health issues.  In May of 2023 I reached the point that all addicts fear.......rock bottom.  Thoughts of suicide had creeped through the cracks of my mental health.  I had to make a decision that many of us face.  Did I want to live or die?  I knew deep down that I could not continue living the life I was in, but I did not want to die.  I took the first step and reached out for help going into an inpatient treatment center.     I came home in July of 2023 and I had no idea what to expect.  I was white knuckling every minute just trying to stay sober.  A good friend of mine Kenny "Finn" Finnigan was one of my biggest supporters.  Through our conversations we decided to start a podcast to help us deal with our traumas and personal journeys.  Unfortunately Finn died on his motorcycle in June of 2024 and only spent a short time with us on this project.  The Steel City Round Table Podcast was born out of these discussions and will continue in honor of Finn and his brotherhood.    The goal of this show is to provide a platform for people to talk about there struggles, adversity, and road to recovery.  We are not just about addiction and mental health.  I believe in the strength of an honest story.  I am hoping that through telling stories and being honest we can help others out there find their way out of the darkness and on the road to happiness.  Come join us as we address anything and everything we can to accomplish this one very important goal.  There is always a seat at the Steel City Round Table for you!!

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