There are many student loan repayment options available for you. Choosing the right student loan repayment program may help get you out of debt fast.Student loan payment plans depend on several factors. Paying for student loans is not solely income based. It will still depend on your financial capabilities in repaying... more
Just in case you missed our AMA Student Loan Repayment video, we did a Facebook live video with the one and only student loan guru, Marques McBride.He answered some of the most popular questions regarding your student loans, including Student Loan Refinance, Forgiveness and Repayment Plans.AMA Student Loan Repayment:... more
Student loan consolidation and payment reduction programs help you manage your student debt. They provide avenues that help you save money and avoid penalties.Read on to learn more about these programs and what they offer.Student Loan Consolidation and Payment Reduction Programs: Everything You Need To KnowIn this a... more
Confused about your student loans?One of the most frequently asked questions is: Who are my student loan servicers and what can I expect from them?It follows withHow do they work?What do they want?…Do they have my best interest in mind?If you don’t know they answers to these questions, they might surprise you…I’... more
Hey guys,President Trump just passed a tax bill that has a substantial impact on your student loans.Luckily we’ve got your covered right here on our AMA podcast.Check it out The post Tax Reform and What It Means For Student Loans appeared first on US Student Loan Center.
The national student loan forgiveness program still seems to be going nowhere as rules are revised.The current administration is doing their best to radically modify the forgiveness program established during the Obama administration.If things continue in this manner, borrowers might lose every kind of protection the... more
Over the years there have been hundreds of thousands of student loan borrowers who have questions about their student loan payments and their repayment options.Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive on a daily basis.10 Frequently Asked Questions on Student LoansQuestion #1: Do I qualify for... more
We get a lot of questions about student loans.Here, we’ve detailed out the the top 13 questions about student loans and how they can affect you and your financial wellbeing.Let us know if we missed anything or if you’d like specific questions answered about your student loans.Enjoy The post Top 13 Frequently Asked ... more
Here we will outline the step by step process you will need to go through to get your federal student loans out of default.We’ve entered snippets of the transcription of the podcast of the step by step sequence to go about getting our of default on your student loans and entering into a rehab.Please listen to the ful... more
In this episode, Marques discusses how to avoid default on your student loans. If you’ve missed payments, are about to missed payments, or want to learn when to use forbearance and deferment, this episode is for you.We even have tips and tricks on how to prevent wage garnishment, or prevent the collection efforts, AND... more
Just in case you missed it, we did a Facebook live where we discuss your student loan servicers.Check it out for the most update to date information on your student loan servicers and the need to know information they won’t tell you when you graduate!Nick: Welcome to Episode Three of Student Loans, Ask Me Any... more
Just in case you missed it, we did a Facebook live where we discuss the Pay As You Earn and the Revised Pay As You Earn Programs.He answered some of the most popular questions regarding these repayment plans.Check it out for some answers to your most popular student loan questions!Hey everybody, welcome to episode ... more
For struggling borrowers, a student loan forbearance is the easiest relief one can find when swamped with debt.Forbearance can be granted by just making a simple phone call. Through it, you can postpone your payments or reduce your monthly payments for a certain amount of time. However, since this is only temporary, i... more
Private student loans tend to be our very last option once we’ve exhausted federal student loans.Unfortunately, the buy-now-pay-later mentality drives us to jump right into available resources. By doing so, students grab on to what’s easy to access without taking a deeper look into the details.Based on research and p... more