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suck my (fan) fic.

suck my (fan) fic.

suck my (fan) fic.

A weekly Comedy, Arts, Books, TV and Film podcast featuring Ryan and Alex

 2 people rated this podcast
suck my (fan) fic.

suck my (fan) fic.

suck my (fan) fic.

suck my (fan) fic.

suck my (fan) fic.

suck my (fan) fic.

A weekly Comedy, Arts, Books, TV and Film podcast featuring Ryan and Alex
 2 people rated this podcast
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Love this show. Great, unique concept and they tackle it as well as one could ask. Love the totally random stories they dive into. Keep up the good work!
The boys at suck my (fan) fic is doing us all a huge service, these guys are doing the Lord's work! The internet is replete with fan fic, but the vast majority of it is total garbage, but Ryan and Alex scour the dark corners of the world wide web to find us the gems among the trash piles! Whether you like absurd crack fic (looking at you Sonic High School and National Treasure) or something a little more insightful and profound (that Ophelia fic, tho!) there's something for everyone! And, don't worry, it's not all smut, although there is some if you're down with that! In fact they come out swinging in the first episode with some pretty graphic pokemon/trainer action! They share great insight, and analysis and you'll definitely be laughing like an idiot on a regular basis! So, whether you love fan fic, write fan fic, or you've never even heard of fan fic and had no idea about the secret love affair between Anne Frank and Goku, there's something for everyone here, check it out, you'll be glad you did! Tell them boyz that the Movie Cellar sent you!
suck my (fan) fic.DAN! We love you man! Thank you for the kind words and keep it up over at the Movie Cellar! Ya'll are doing big things with those VHS tapes!
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