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Suns of the Fathers

Paul Parnell

Suns of the Fathers

A Fiction, Science Fiction and Drama podcast featuring Robert Anderson

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Suns of the Fathers

Paul Parnell

Suns of the Fathers

Suns of the Fathers

Paul Parnell

Suns of the Fathers

A Fiction, Science Fiction and Drama podcast featuring Robert Anderson
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Robert Anderson is an Australian-based musician, producer, and podcaster. In addition to serving as a roleplaying cast member on 'Heart Beats: A Heartwarming Fantasy' and 'Suns of The Fathers', Rob has acted as an editor and composer-in-residence for Welcome To St Paxton since 2018.In their professional hours, Rob is a taxation researcher. Their free-time is split between enjoying time with their wife and son, and frantically trying to remember which project has an impending music deadline.


Don grew up in rural Illinois before setting out on his own at the age of 20 and has made a cozy life in Colorado with his girlfriend, his pets, and his podcasts.

Voice Actor
As "Irving Pestachion"

Robert Anderson is a podcaster, multi-instrumentalist, and composer based out of Australia. He loves spending time with his wife, son and puppy dogs, all of whom wind yo in his podcast audio one way or another.Rob can also be heard on ‘Heart Beats: A Heartwarming Fantasy’, a hopepunk actual play podcast. He serves as a editor and composer for the horror podcast ‘Welcome to Saint Paxton’. You can find Rob on Twitter at @PotentiallyRob.


Paul is the founder of the Necropodicon Network as well as cast member of several shows across it.A passionate entertainer, podcasting was a natural step for him.Paul will be the first to admit he loves the spotlight, but he also seeks to help others become more confident in their arts and express themselves more openly.


Valeria "Harlequin" Rodriguez is primarly a voice actress and musician among other things. She has had a deep love and adoration for all things bizzarre, creepy, nerdy, and just plain weird since she took her first breath. She once believed she was a werewolf, but that's a story for another time.She is a proud member of the OTS and SoTF Podcasts, and wishes to continue being a force of chaos for as long as possible. (Or y'know, until they kick her from the shows.) You can find her on Instagram as ValeriaRodriguezvo, or follow her on Twitter at @ElvisBadger.

Game Master

Don Buley, geek and budding podcaster, lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. The creator and driving force behind the Hex Grid Heroes Podcast Network, he oversees the production of several podcasts, most of which are tabletop rpg actual-plays.They can be found at http://hexgridheroes.com/ As well as being a member of the Suns of the Fathers podcast, he is a player character the Dustrus Podcast produced by An Eldritch Dream Games. When not editing or plotting podcasts or tabletop characters, he enjoys watching entirely too much TV, Star Wars audiobooks, and gardening.


Emily “Milly” Parnell is the current DM of On the Shoulder: A D&D Podcast. She also plays Elsie in the Suns of the Fathers podcast. She obtained a BFA degree in Painting from the Savannah College of Art & Design in 2016. You can find her work on instagram when you search @millyparnell. Emily is currently working on opening up an online shop.

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