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Take a Trip with Trip

Trip P

Take a Trip with Trip

An Education podcast

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Take a Trip with Trip

Trip P

Take a Trip with Trip

Take a Trip with Trip

Trip P

Take a Trip with Trip

An Education podcast
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Hi there! I'm Trip, a 23 year old UCLA dropout. I left to pursue a career in music and I have been at it nonstop for over 5 years. Over the years I've learned too many lessons to count. I began meditating and journalling in January 2019, and I've read+heard over 50 books since then on self-improvement - amongst countless videos and podcasts. I wish to impart all the combined knowledge in the ways that apply the best. Sorrows are a part of life - we just need to learn to get through them for the light at the end of the tunnel. Similarly, we need to sustain that light as long as we can :)- Trip

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Podcast Details

Created by
Trip P
Podcast Status
Jun 25th, 2020
Latest Episode
Jul 28th, 2020
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
37 minutes

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