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Chats with Smart People

Chats with Smart People

Released Thursday, 17th February 2022
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Chats with Smart People

Chats with Smart People

Chats with Smart People

Chats with Smart People

Thursday, 17th February 2022
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Chats with Smart People Featuring Jeanne Achille.Tremendous amounts of talent are being lost to our society just because that talent wears a skirt. Shirley Chisholm (New York State Representative, educator, and author)Have you ever met someone and was like wow! You’re amazing! Can we be friends! Well, this is the energy that Jeanne brings. Jeanne is the Guru of the Women HR Tech conference. She is an original OG in the battle to raise the voices of women in HR technology.

28 years ago, in 1994, Jeanne created The Devon Group which is a PR (Public Relations) agency. 

She has supported thousands of new products, services, and companies throughout her career. 

She is the FIRST woman chair of the HR Technology Conference. (Virtual & In person)

Superhero powers: PR, marketing, public relations, social networking, social media, speaker bureau, analyst relations, writing, case studies, and content marketing.

Today’s episode includes the following

Jeanne shares her experiences of being a CEO. Pros & Cons

Proud moments 


Women in HR Tech Asia, Is there a different vibe?

Internal Equity for women driving start-ups and why they don’t move up the ladder.

Value of Diversity

Belonging to an organization

What women feel and think when working or going anywhere in public. Does the underlying alertness, make for better visionaries?

The Pandemic and showing up for you. 

The impact of women in HR Tech supporting each other.

Expand your HR Tech network and insights by joining the HR Tech Conference. March 1-4,2022. https://www.hrtechnologyconference.com/   Reservations are FREE, so you have no excuseFind Jeanne on:Linkedin.com/JeanneachilleWebsite: devonpr.comTwitter: jeanneachille and devongroup

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