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Talent Rebelcast

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Talent Rebelcast

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Talent Rebelcast

TRA Evergreen Podcasts

Talent Rebelcast

Talent Rebelcast

TRA Evergreen Podcasts

Talent Rebelcast

A weekly Business podcast
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Mar 2nd, 2022
Nothing ever…. Why nothing gets done?Deceitful, distrust, power, control, EGO, sounds like an upcoming Drama series on Netflix. Nope, sorry folks I will be addressing the topic of managers. In this episode I’ll highlight the area of bad managers and why people are fed up.I want you to remember a time in which you had...


Feb 23rd, 2022
The dreaded application form process.Do you remember a time in which you applied for a job? Do you remember how much time it took to fill out a paper application or electronic one? I do, it mentally time consuming it is also a waste.Problems with application formsTime, depending on the job position it can take up t...


Feb 17th, 2022
Chats with Smart People Featuring Jeanne Achille.Tremendous amounts of talent are being lost to our society just because that talent wears a skirt. Shirley Chisholm (New York State Representative, educator, and author)Have you ever met someone and was like wow! You’re amazing! Can we be friends! Well, this is the ene...


Feb 7th, 2022
Happy Friday Everyone,In this episode shares information about transformation. A short recap about the holiday celebrations and a candle with good advice.Let's chit chat about change.You have a change that needs desperate attention because it isn’t balancing your business or perhaps your lifestyle. You decide what t...


Jan 28th, 2022
What has been happening?Worqdrive pitch fest at HR Tech in Vegas! SUCCESSFUL!!! User logging in every 9 days!*Q3 Voice of the Candidate Study in June: What is job seeks chatting about on SM? What’s the word of mouth on applications, job hunt, and quitting? Starting a new path. Building modules, talking to people and ...


Nov 10th, 2021
Allyn & Tracey break down the emotions behind navigating moments when transformation programs fails. The spawn for this article is based on Allyn's personal experiences with disappointment and feelings of failure she articulated in her article, "The Truth Is, Sometimes Good Things Go Bad".The best analogy came from Tr...


Nov 2nd, 2021
Allyn & Tracey have a fascinating conversation with Coby Schneider from Intel. Coby has a an intriguing career path from TA operations and recruitment marketing focus to embedding within the business to drive workforce strategy and workplace of the future programs.


Sep 16th, 2021
Tracey & Allyn welcome Derek Murphy-Johnson from Kindercare Education to the Rebelcast. Derek unpacks the concept of one size fits one, a message on the importance of treating each candidate as a unique individual and addressing each recruiting challenge with a unique recruiting solution.


Sep 1st, 2021
As we move through the summer, Allyn and Tracey tackle the challenge of hiring for jobs, when so many jobs are new, evolving or have never existed before.  How do you market the work do work when everything is in such flux?  Are we all just making SH**t up because we have no clue what any of us are even really hiring f...


Aug 25th, 2021
Ok let's get Real.  How many career sites are actually valuable to candidates?  How many are just vanity projects for recruitment marketers, companies and over zealous digital marketing teams? Given today's candidate behavior what value does a career site even provide?  Is it time to rethink the whole strategy?  Allyn ...


Aug 16th, 2021
Join Allyn and Tracey for a fascinating conversation with Julia Levy, Head of Global Talent Acqusition at CommScope.  Julia brings a unique perspective to the podcast as a leader of a global TA team who is also a leading voice in Recruitment Marekting. We talk which came first the RM passion and focus or the TA leaders...


Jul 28th, 2021
Buckle up everyone you are in for a deep and thought provoking podcast.  Allyn Bailey & Tracey Parsons explore the topics of what it takes to be an entrepreneur and especially a woman entrepreneur with Lauryn Sargent the founder and partner of Stories Incorporated the premier employer branding agency focused on leverag...


Jul 21st, 2021
This week Allyn & Tracey spend some time unpacking the the Great Awakening that is occurring in the world of work. Is everyone getting it wrong or right?  Is this about people not wanting to work because they are receiving government subsidies and they are afraid of COVID and child care concerns or is this really somet...


Jul 14th, 2021
Welcome to our first episode of our new podcast series Chats with Smart People.  This month we are joined by Tyler Weeks, Head of partnership and Strategy at Hiredscore.  We talk about his move from a corporate role to HR technology company.  That is just the start though, we talk about so many interesting things. Have...


Jul 7th, 2021
Tracey and Allyn go deep in discussing the implications of the game-changing research Tracey conducted with @PandoLogic on the what real candidates are talking about.https://www.pandologic.com/employers/recruitment-industry/spilling-the-tea-on-the-candidate-experience/ 


Apr 29th, 2021
Lets face it as recruitment marketers we are often in the position where we feel like we are putting lipstick on a pig.  Marketing work is challenging and marketing a company as a place to do that work and enjoy it is just plain tough.  In this pod we discuss the implications of being responsible for marketing a compan...


Apr 29th, 2021
Balance is hard to find for all of us.  In this episode Allyn and Tracey discuss the importance of finding balance in our lives and work and how it impacts ourselves and those around us.


Feb 17th, 2021
"It's a dialogue, not a monologue, and some people don't understand that. Social media is more like a telephone than a television." - Amy Jo Martin, Author of Renegades Write The Rules. In this episode Allyn Bailey and Tracey Parsons talk shop about the impact of using social media to engage.


Feb 10th, 2021
In this episode of the Talent Rebelcast Allyn and Tracey address the truth we all know but hate talking about.. application processes are bad experiences for candidates and we know it, but we are just ignoring it.  Today we take a deep breath, stop being ostriches and pull out heads out of the sand to admit we need to ...


Jan 26th, 2021
James Ellis, the author or Talent Chooses You, joins Allyn and Tracey this week to talk about the impact of "epochal memories" on recruitment marketing and talent acquisition.  "Brands need to look beyond customer sentiment, activities and context in charting their next course. Therefore, they need to factor in the ...


Jan 4th, 2021
Are you ready for the new year?  Have you had your coffee?  Have you sorted your inbox, organized your computer files and set up your reoccurring meetings yet?  Hope so, because here comes 2021 and it is a huge tsunami you can either surf like a pro or drown under the crushing waves.  Allyn & Tracey share what they thi...


Dec 17th, 2020
Everyone is waiting for the new normal to emerge so they can take a deep breathe, feel in control, know how to move forward and what RM success will look like.  Allyn & Tracey pose the uncomfortable frame that there will never be a new "normal". Change will be a constant.  What does that mean to your Recruitment Market...


Dec 7th, 2020
In this episode of Allyn and Tracey's stream of consciousness we talk about the importance of reading the room.  We get there by focusing on how to plan for 2021 when 2020 has been so chaotic.  Trust me it all connects.


Nov 9th, 2020
Allyn and Tracey talk about the demon in the room, planning.  How do we plan for 2021 when nothing that happened in 2020 was as expected?  Do we plan?  Should we plan?  What did we end up spending our time and money in 2020 and is it a sign off what is to come in 2021?


Nov 3rd, 2020
As we navigate this "new normal" which includes pandemics, economic uncertainty, political thrash and just plain 2020 chaos, Tracey & Allyn discuss what it means to shift from going to extremes in our work to finding balance.  The RM space has been a magnet for big ideas, big change and big projects.  What does it look...


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