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Why nothing gets done?

Why nothing gets done?

Released Wednesday, 2nd March 2022
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Why nothing gets done?

Why nothing gets done?

Why nothing gets done?

Why nothing gets done?

Wednesday, 2nd March 2022
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Nothing ever…. Why nothing gets done?Deceitful, distrust, power, control, EGO, sounds like an upcoming Drama series on Netflix. Nope, sorry folks I will be addressing the topic of managers. In this episode I’ll highlight the area of bad managers and why people are fed up.I want you to remember a time in which you had a horrible boss, don’t lie we all had one, two, or several managers that lack of a soul. A manager gets in their role and all the sudden their ego leads in everything they do. Right? I am not saying all managers are jerks but unfortunately the bad ones outnumber the good ones.Let’s chat about emotions, respect, trust, and being a good human to others. It isn’t hard. The bad managers literally overnight become a monster, well maybe within 5 minutes they become a manager. They undermined the best employees especially women more so than men. They chase people off the job. Stop doing this please!What does not work?Diversity/ Inclusion courses or group work activities since it is the employees’ fault that the manager is this awful.Managers and their minion’s group against you. (Flashback from first grade bully on the playground)Threats for calling in sick for yourself or others in your household including pets. (Passing of a loved one as well), Threats that are emotional and physical. Making your employee’s feel guilty. (This is huge)Writing up an employee for calling you out on your inappropriate behavior or something you weren’t supposed to do and did it anyways because you’re a manager! Threats of firing.Therefore, nothing gets done. Duh……. stop treating employees like crap!Possible solutions for horrible bosses?Required Implicit Bias Training for all managers/CEO’s, like the Police have.. This would be monthly sessions. If this doesn’t work, they’re fired. It is on them they caused the behavior not the employees. Shock treatment, I am kidding. Employee’s leave for several reasons but having a horrible boss has been at number 1 for decades more so now than ever.Here’s your homework.Documentary:Stanford Experiment (trust me)Movies:Horrible Bosses, Star Wars- Darth Vader (ha, bet you didn’t see that one coming), Devil’s Advocate (yeah, that is messed up), 9 to 5, Working Girl, Weekend @ Bernie’s, The Devil Wear Prada, Office Space. Grab some popping corn and choice of beverage and enjoy.

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