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Jay Blakesberg on the B.B King - 'The Thrill Is Gone' music video shoot

Jay Blakesberg on the B.B King - 'The Thrill Is Gone' music video shoot

Released Monday, 30th October 2023
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Jay Blakesberg on the B.B King - 'The Thrill Is Gone' music video shoot

Jay Blakesberg on the B.B King - 'The Thrill Is Gone' music video shoot

Jay Blakesberg on the B.B King - 'The Thrill Is Gone' music video shoot

Jay Blakesberg on the B.B King - 'The Thrill Is Gone' music video shoot

Monday, 30th October 2023
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I had the opportunity to chat with photographer Jay Blakesberg about his early career, which involved photographing Tracy Chapman in San Francisco during the early eighties. He also shared his experiences, including shooting B.B. King's 'The Thrill Is Gone' music video and creating the artwork for the 'Let It Rain' album.

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