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Influencing The Decision Process

Influencing The Decision Process

Released Monday, 28th June 2010
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Influencing The Decision Process

Influencing The Decision Process

Influencing The Decision Process

Influencing The Decision Process

Monday, 28th June 2010
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Whenever we say 'process' to a sales person, we get yawns and indifference. But the fact is that every sales problem you have...probably...has something to do with a chink in your process. In this episode, Bill and Bryan look into the ever-important issue with 'decision process' and how you can better influence it.

(Podcaster Notes: The decision process is one of those hard to teach skills in sales. We have found recently that the decision process for many companies has become more centralized--which brings with it additional trouble for sales people. It seems that every decision is reviewed, analyzed and audited. And if the purchase doesn't bring with it a cost savings or revenue growth, it's put off. So, as sales professionals, you MUST know how decisions are made and, when possible, be a part of them.)

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